Act 2 ch 22

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"Huh?" Sookie asks after playing the song she wants to walk down the aisle to.

"Sookie, you've got be kidding" Lorelai replies. "What?" Sookie asks her.

"You cannot walk down the aisle to that" Lorelai says. "Why?" Sookie asks. "It's depressing" Victoria tells her.

"It's Ella" Sookie defends it.

"It's morbid" Lorelai says. "It's a classic song" Sookie tells her.

"A classic song about a woman who can't make her relationships work whose life is filled with emptiness and regret and pain" Lorelai points out. "Oh, who listens to the lyrics?" Sookie asks. "Anybody not hanging out with Annie Sullivan by the water pump" Lorelai answers.

"What are these?" Victoria asks grabbing a box of cds.

"Well those are some alternative songs, but I like this one" Sookie tells her. "Alternative songs, good. Let's see" Lorelai says looking through the cds.

"Hey Jude" she reads the first one. "Paul wrote it for Julian to cheer him up" Sookie says. "Seasons in the Sun?" Lorelai asks.

"Oh, a sentimental favorite" Sookie replies.

"Cats in the Cradle?" Lorelai questions. "It makes you re examine your priorities" Sookie explains.

"Don't Cry Out Loud? Sookie, do you even like Jackson?" Lorelai asks. "Okay, I have a wonderful suggestion" Michel says standing up. "Great. Let's hear it" Lorelai says.

"Okay, here we go. How about I leave?" Michel suggests.

"And then do what?" Lorelai asks him. "That's it, I leave and I don't have to listen to this insanity anymore. What do you think?" Michel answers.

"Michel, I am in the wedding, which means you have to run the wedding all by yourself, something you've never done before" Lorelai tells him. "Oh, please" Michel says. "I'll tell you what Sookie, how about we come up with a few more suggestions for you, still melodic, but not quite as girl interrupted?" Rory suggests.

"Alright, fine" Sookie gives in.

"Great" Victoria says. "Michel, how is the rsvp list coming?" Lorelai asks.

"Well, I must say this has been especially challenging for me. I mean when you are talking about a wedding with up to forty people, all living within a five mile radius, how can one person keep track of all of that?" Michel asks sarcastically. "Just an answer will do" Lorelai says. "It got a little hairy for a moment. I almost had to use a second sheet of paper" Michel tells her.

"You know I'm not gonna let you annoy me out of making you handle this" Lorelai says.

"Oh, we'll see" Michel smiles before walking away.


"You know what I just realized? Oy is the funniest word in the entire world" Lorelai says sitting in her parent's living room.

"I mean think about it. You never hear the word oy and not smile" she explains. "Impossible. Funny, funny word" Lorelai adds.

"Oh, dear god" Emily says. "Poodle's another funny word" Victoria chimes in. "Please drink your drinks" Emily says over this conversation already.

"If you put oy and poodle together in the same sentence, you'd have a great new catchphrase, you know?" Lorelai points out.

"Oy with the poodles already" Victoria says earning laughs from her mother and sister. "So from now on, when the perfect circumstances arise, we will use our favorite new catchphrase" Lorelai says.

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