Act 6 ch 2

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Summer passed, the next school year began, and Victoria was three months pregnant, entering the fourth officially putting her in her second trimester.

Victoria walks through the Yale campus with a water bottle for her in one hand and a coffee for Tristan in the other to meet him after his class. She stops walking though when she sees him walk out of a building laughing with a blonde girl she'd never seen before.

The girl ends up walking away in the opposite direction while Tristan runs over to Victoria. "Hey, there you are. How's our apricot?" he smiles putting his hands on her stomach, the bump was still pretty and hard to see but you could definitely feel it. "Good. Here" Victoria holds out the hand with Tristan's coffee in it.

"You're an angel" Tristan takes a sip of the coffee, wrapping an arm around Victoria's shoulder as they start walking.

"So...who was that?" she asks him. Victoria really wasn't sure if asking was a good idea or not, but she knew herself well enough to know she has to know.

"Who?" Tristan furrows his eyebrows. Victoria just gives him a you know who look. "Oh, Hayley. She's just a new friend" Tristan tells her.

"You've never mentioned her before" Victoria says.

"Well I said new didn't I?" Tristan laughs. "Yeah" Victoria nods.

"Hey" Tristan stops walking moving his hand down to hers. "You don't have to worry about anyone, especially someone I met an hour ago" he says. "She was in your class?" Victoria asks.

"Mhm" Tristan confirms.

"Oh. You make friends quick" Victoria says. "It's easy when class is boring, now come on" Tristan starts walking again, her hand still in his.


"So, how was your first week back at Yale?" Emily asks over dinner, only her and Victoria considering Richard's out of town and Rory's out with Logan.

"Good, it's weird without Rory there though" Victoria replies. "Well you two wouldn't have really had classes together anyway, would you?" Emily asks.

"Probably not, but still just knowing that she's not on campus at all. It's weird" Victoria explains. "And lonely?" Emily asks her. "A little" Victoria nods.

"I'm sorry. I really do wish Rory was at Yale too, you have to understand we only let her move in becau-" Emily tries.

"I really don't want to talk about that right now. I'm sorry, I know I'm the one that mentioned her but I'd rather talk about something else" Victoria tells her. "Alright" Emily nods.

"So, how's Tristan?" she changes the subject.


Victoria's walking out of class when her phone starts ringing.

"Hello?" she answers. "Hey, so I have an idea to run by you" Sookie says form the other side of the phone.

"What's up?" Victoria asks stopping to sit on a bench. "So, we're having Davey and Martha baptized and there are three Gilmore girls that I love very very much and only two babies. So I was planning on just having your mom be god mother to both, you know so I don't have to lick between you and your sister because that's just not fair" Sookie starts. "But with recent events I was thinking that if and only i'd you're comfortable with it, maybe I make Rory a god mother. Just to get her and your mother in the same room, you know force them to talk" she continues.

"But I don't want you to think I'm choosing her over you, because I'm not. I'll just leave Lorelai to god mother both if you want" Sookie adds.

"Thank you, for being so concerned about how I'd feel. But I actually think that's a great idea" Victoria tells her. "Really?" Sookie asks.

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