Chapter 21

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"I had the weirdest dream last night" Lorelai tells her daughters as they sit in the kitchen.

"We were in our house, but it wasn't our house it was a Kentucky Fried Chicken" she continues. "I'm hooked" Victoria says.

"I had to get dressed but my clothes were in the back and the guy manning the giant oil vat would not let me through" Lorelai keeps telling her story. "Oh my god, that's so weird. When you said oil vat that just reminded me" Rory says. "I had this dream last night, we were swimming in a pool only it wasn't water it was like oil or honey or something" she starts talking about her own dream.

"Hey" Lorelai says.

"What?" Rory asks. "You totally did the thing" Lorelai tells her.

"What thing?" Rory question. "The thing, where one person is describing their dream and it reminds the other person about their dream and suddenly it's all about their dream and the first person is just standing there like um hey man what about my dream" Lorelai explains. "I'm sorry, the oil vat guy was being mean..." Rory apologizes.

"Yes, and we knew him. He used to live in town" Lorelai gets back to her story.

"He was that guy who used to run the auto body shop before Maybin Hewes bought it, remember him?" she asks. "No" Victoria answers.

"Yes, you do" Lorelai tells her. "Peter Stringbean?" Rory asks. "No, that was the tall circus freaky guy who worked for him. This was the owner guy" Lorelai says.

"What was his name?" she asks.

"I don't know" Victoria tells her. "Yes you do, come on. Ugh it's gonna bug me all day" Lorelai insists.

"He was short and fat and his name was..." Lorelai says. "Johnny McShort and fat?" Rory asks jokingly. "Oh now don't mock" Lorelai says before getting up to go outside and ask Luke.

"What I wanted to say was, Janie Fertman you are a vacuous bimbo who'll be turning letters as a profession one day and the only way you'll know which letter to turn is when it dings and lights up and I have no desire to stop and talk to you ever. But what I said what what Janie, and then she goes you're cheerleader material. Cheerleader material! Just like that, I couldn't believe it. I almost went full matrix on her" Lane rants as her and the twins walk down the street.

"Did you hear a word she said?" Victoria asks her sister who wasn't paying any attention. "Nope" Rory answers honestly.

"I resent that, I'm a witty conversationalist" Lane says. "What?" Victoria asks seeing her sister stare at the market. "I'm going in" Rory tells her.

"You can't" Lane replies.

"I'm going in" Rory repeats. "It's Thursday afternoon" Victoria tells her.

"I know" Rory says. "He works on Thursday afternoons" Lane reminds her. "I know" Rory repeats.

"We're talking you know who" Victoria tells her.

"I know" Rory repeats again. "Oh my god" Lane says.

"Calm down" Rory tells her. "Oh my god" Lane repeats jumping up and down. "You're making a spectacle" Victoria says.

"She's getting back together with Dean" Lane says still freaking out.

"If you keep jumping like that I'm gonna videotape it and send it to Janie Fertman as your cheerleader audition" Rory threatens. "When did this happen?" Lane asks.

"Nothing's happened, I don't even know what I'm doing exactly. Or what he's thinking or whether he's burned all my letters and pictures or hates me or what but I'm going in" Rory tells them. "I so encourage this" Victoria says with a huge smile. "I love you, but you've been mopey dopey and about twelve other melancholy dwarves for the past five weeks and I miss the old Rory" she continues.

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