Act 3 ch 5

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"And then the rabbit says, how about the schnitzel? Well?" Lorelai says laughing.

"Well what? There's no punch line" Rory replies. "That is the punch line" Lorelai says.

"How about the schnitzel, that's the punch line?" Victoria asks. "Not when you say it like that" Lorelai says. "How should I say it?" Victoria asks her.

"Like a punch line" Lorelai says.

"How about that schnitzel?!" Rory says in a jokey voice. "Oh? forget it" Lorelai sighs.

"What?" Rory asks. "You girls ruined my joke" Lorelai answers. "No, the punch line ruined your joke" Victoria replies.

"Ha" Lorelai points at her.

"What?" Victoria asks. "You admit it's a punch line" Lorelai responds.

"Oh, my god" Rory groans. "I am vindicated. How about the schnitzel, has officially been declared a punch line" Lorelai says. "A really bad punch line" Victoria adds.

"No one asked for the norton critical edition. All the Schnitzel and I wanted was recognition, and now we have it" Lorelai replies.

"Man it's packed in here" she says walking into Luke's. "I guess we counter it" Rory says.

"I guess we do" Lorelai agrees. "What?" Luke asks when they sit down. "What do you know? Your face really can freeze that way" Lorelai says.

"Are you okay?" Victoria asks Luke.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm great, it's big fat happy sunshine day for me" he answers. "Business looks good, the place is packed" Victoria points out.

"Sure, it's been taken over by the J Crew catalog" Luke says. "Oh look, babies" Rory says in a baby voice. "I never wanna hear that come outta your mouth again" Lorelai says turning to her.

"Every weekend, the same stupid group comes in here, and take up all my tables and every chair they can get their hands on, and they do that. They sit, they stand, one person holds a kid, another person holds a kid" Luke complains.

"This guy runs in and out and back and forth, that guy never takes his head out of that bag. The women can't figure out which kid is which, and they do it all morning, and then order two iced teas to go, and that's it" he points. "I'm sure you're exaggerating" Victoria says.

"I am not exaggerating" Luke insists. "Oh, now this is good. You see, choo choo Joe will not be working" he says. "How'd you know that?" Rory asks when one of the moms says choo choo Joe actually is at working.

"Because Joe has not been working for the last six months. Personally, I don't think he's broken" Luke answers.

"I think he killed himself to get away from that family" he says. "Oh, now that kid's a major drooler" Lorelai looks at one of the kids.

"Yeah, it's like a fountain" Victoria agrees. "Okay, that's it. They have to go" Luke says. "Luke coke on, it's just spit. Pretend you're at a baseball game" Lorelai tells him.

"No, no, I've had enough. Let them go not spend money at Al's, I'm through" Luke starts walking over there.

"Is that woman doing what I think she's doing?" he asks walking right back to the Gilmore's. "Oh, well, I can't be 100% sure, but... oh yeah, that's lunch" Victoria says when a woman starts breastfeeding.

"Why? Why do they do this?" Luke asks. "This is a public place. People are eating" he complains. "They sure are" Rory replies.

"This can not be sanitary" Luke says.

"I agree, you don't know where that thing's been" Lorelai jokes. "When did that become acceptable? In the old days, woman would never consider doing that in public" Luke says.

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