Chapter 8

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At Miss Patty's dance studio, Victoria and Lorelai walk into the town meeting with snacks and drinks handing some to Rory who's already there.

"What'd we miss?" Victoria whispers to her sister. "Taylor Doose wants the no parking zone in front of his store removed, he says his customers are being unfairly ticketed" Rory tells her.

"No, it's just because he wants to park there all day" Lorelai comments. "Genius" Victoria says. "I have been mayor of this fine town for a long time, I tend to think of all of you as my children. Unfortunately, sometimes children has to be disciplined. Now I'm gonna say something, and I'm only gonna say it once. We have leash laws people" the mayor says to everyone.

"Daddy's getting angry" Lorelai jokes to her daughters.

"Rover will not leash himself" the mayor continues. "Good point" Victoria says.

"I would like to now move on to something of even greater importance, as you all know this coming Friday is the anniversary of the legendary battle of Stars Hollow" the mayor keeps talking and everyone claps. "Where's Luke?" Lorelai asks. "There" Rory says pointing.

"Patty will be circulating a sign up sheet for those of you who would like to participate in the re-enactment of the battle" they mayor says driving Luke crazy.

"He's turning red" Victoria comments about Luke. "Alright, it was a frigid November night some 224 years ago..." they mayor keeps talking.

"He's shaking in his seat" Lorelai says looking at Luke. "He's adjusting his cap" Rory says. "He's fighting the urge, he's fighting the urge" Victoria says waiting for look to snap.

"Oh for gods sake! Do we have to go through this every damn year?!" Luke snaps.

"And the urge wins by a long shot" Rory says. "I thought we were he to discuss town issues" Luke complains.

"This is a town issue" Taylor insists. "Excuse me, who's talking?" The mayor asks barely able to see. "It's me Harry, Luke. You've known me since I was five years old" Luke tells him.

"Oh Luke, yes. Sit down!" the mayor says.

"Now, as I was saying. Twelve heroic men assembled with guns drawn, ready to meet their maker" he continues. "What are you talking about?! Twelve guys stood in a row all night" Luke interrupts.

"Waiting for the redcoats" the mayor says. "Who never showed! Twelve guys stood in a row all night waiting for an enemy they never showed, they got stood up. They should've been wearing prom dresses" Luke rants. "I've had just about enough of this" Taylor says standing up.

"Sit down Taylor!" Luke yells.

"Menace" Taylor calls him. "Suck up" Luke replies.

"Five bucks says somebody end up in a headlock" Lorelai says. "You're on" Victoria responds.

"Have any of you ever considered that you're glorifying a war we fought so we could keep land that we stole?" Luke asks. "If you don't like it here in America, why don't you go stand in line for toilet paper in the U.S.S.R." the mayor says. "There is no more U.S.S.R. Harry" Luke tells him.

"A sense of community is so important, isn't it?" Victoria asks.

"It's what made our country great" Rory replies.

The girls talk the their mother on the phone from their grandparents house.

"Hey" Victoria says. "Hi! Things bad out there, huh?" Lorelai asks.

"It's crazy, there's snow coming down everywhere. And let me tell you saddle shoes are not the best all weather footwear" Rory replies. "Aw, you fell" Lorelai says. "Actually she fell twice" Victoria adds.

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