Act 3 ch 3

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"Oh my god!" Rory says getting the mail.

"Honey, come here" Lorelai tells her. "It's here! Victoria they're here!" Rory yells upstairs to her sister.

"What's here?" Lorelai asks. "Our college applications. Victoria come on!" Rory yells to her sister again. "Oh, my god" Lorelai says rushing over to Rory.

"What?" Victoria asks coming down the stairs.

"Our college applications are here" Rory tells her. "What?! Oh, they're beautiful" Victoria runs over to her sister.

"Impressive letting huh?" Rory says. "Oh, yeah" Victoria replies. "I feel dizzy" Rory sighs.

"You sure it's not the sight of Robert Reed in tight clown pants?" Lorelai asks looking at the tv.

"Oh jeez, let the record show that when our ivy league applications arrived I was watching The Brady Bunch Variety Hour" Rory says. "You don't lose points for that do you?" Victoria asks.

"I hope not. Man this morning I was reading Dead Souls, they couldn't have come then" Rory responds. "Well, we'll just tell people that's what you were doing, and that I was studying a really big globe. They'll never know" Lorelai suggests. "You can keep a secret?" Victoria asks her.

"Not so far, but there's always a first" Lorelai answers.

"Dead Souls and a really big globe" Rory says. "Deal" Lorelai shakes her hand.


"Come on, I wanna get started" Victoria rushes her sister.

"Hold your horses there little miss horsey holder" Rory replies. "They're going to expect a higher level of wit at Harvard" Lorelai says.

"Oh, watch that drink" Victoria says when Rory opens a can. "I'm no where near them" Rory says about the applications. "Well keep it that way. This is an uncontaminated area" Victoria responds.

"I'll be careful" Rory nods.

"They look pretty similar, basic stuff" Lorelai says looking at the applications. "Okay, here we go. First question, oh my god" Victoria fake gasps.

"What?" Rory asks. "What were you doing the moment you received this application, counts for 50% of your eligibility" Victoria messes with her sister . "Stop" Rory says.

"I need help" Lane says walking out of Rory's room.

"With what?" Lorelai asks. "She's writing her drummed seeks rock band ad" Victoria answers.

"And it's not reading right. Could you guys look it over?" Lane asks them. "Let's see. Drummer with strong heat seeks band into the accelerators, the adolescents, the adverts, agent orange, the angelica upstarts, the agnostic front, ash, you went alphabetical" Rory says. "Seemed tidy" Lane explains.

"And a little OCD, and long" Victoria adds.

"I can't make cuts" Lane insists. "It's three pages single spaced. Make cuts" Rory tells her.

"But this is the cut down version, from the letter A I excluded AC/Dc, the animals, and A-HA. Footnote is a guilty pleasure" Lane explains. "If we can't get through it no one can" Victoria says. "Okay, I'll try to make cuts, but no guarantees" Lane goes back to Rory's room.

"Okay, personal information, state your full name, better not get that one wrong" Lorelai starts reading the applications.

"I'll try" Rory replies. "And nickname, if any" Lorelai says.

"That would be Rory" Rory tells her. "Or droopy drawers" Lorelai smiles. "That was never my nickname" Rory laughs.

"Wrong, I called you that as a baby" Lorelai corrects her.

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