Act 4 ch 19

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Victoria is studying on the sofa while loud music plays loudly from above causing Rory to walk out of her bedroom to grab a nearby broom and bang on the ceiling repeatedly.

While all that noise is happening there's also a banging on their door that Victoria has to go answer. "College is loud" Lorelai walks in.

"Yes, it's part of our training. It's right up there with the bad food, the sleep deprivation, and how to hold your own hair while throwing up" Rory replies. "Awww" Lorelai kisses Rory on the head as they walk to and sit down on the sofa. "What are you doing here?" Victoria asks walking back to her spot on the sofa.

"Inn stuff. I had to pick up hinges and doorknobs and faucets" Lorelai lists.

"Oh, my" Rory adds. "And I figured, while I was in the 'hood, I'd drop this off" Lorelai hands Rory her cell phone she had left at Lorelai's house.

"Hey, thanks" Rory takes it as the music stops. "You're welcome" Lorelai replies. "Hey, you didn't have to do that. You could have just given it to me at Friday night dinner" Rory points out.

"I could have" Lorelai laughs.

"Unless you're not going to Friday night dinner" Victoria says causing Lorelai to sigh. "You're not going to Friday night dinner" Rory says already sounding upset.

"Rory" Lorelai says. "Why?" Rory asks. "Things have gotten worse" Lorelai answers.

"How could they be worse? They were already at worse" Victoria says knowing her grandparents found out about Lorelai's relationship with Jason.

"Dad is going after Jason,'s complicated but it's really bad. And I went over there to try to talk to him about it, and he was horrible" Lorelai explains. "He said awful things to me" she tells them.

"Like what?" Rory asks. "Like things. It doesn't matter, but I-I can't just go and sit there and make small talk and pretend that everything's okay" Lorelai answers. "Mom..." Victoria says softly.

"Because it's not okay" Lorelai keeps going.

"You were mad, he was mad, you said some things..." Rory tries defending her grandfather. "No, Rory" Lorelai stops her.

"No. Now, I don't doubt that it was bad" Rory says. "You and Grandpa can make each other crazy, but maybe once he calmed down, he was sorry" she tries assuring her mother. "He is not sorry" Lorelai insists.

"You could be wrong. Maybe if we go over there and give him a chance to make it right, he would" Victoria tries seeing the bright side.

"Oh, boy, honey, you're living in fuzzy-puppy land" Lorelai says. "Mom, it's really important to me that you don't back out of Friday night dinners. They're the only time that the whole family gets together" Rory tells her.

"Sometimes it's the only time that I get to see you, and I like having it there. It's really important to me" Rory continues. "Rory, come on" Lorelai sighs. "I'm serious. Please, just give him a chance to make it up to you" Rory begs.

"Please. I'll be there" she keeps begging.

"We'll be your buffers" Victoria offers. "You will, huh?" Lorelai asks laughing.

"Absolutely, right Rory?" Victoria nudges her sister.

"Right. They can focus on me, you can focus on me..." Rory agrees. "What about when he throws his glass of water in my face?" Lorelai asks. "Then I will get very wet" Victoria says.

"I'm holding you to that" Lorelai tells her.

"Yep" Victoria says as the loud music from upstairs begins again. "Wow" she sighs looking up at the ceiling.

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