Act 5 ch 13

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"Tennis lessons. That sounds great grandma" Victoria says shocked to hear that Emily wants to take tennis lessons.

"I've always liked tennis. And I have to say I'm excited by the prospect of getting some good healthy exercise" Emily replies. "I'm excited by the prospect of those fetching tennis costumes" Richard comments.

"Richard, not in front of the girls" Emily reprimands. "Oh, I'm fairly worldly now, grandma" Rory tells her. "She was a heck of a tennis played in her day. And very competitive" Richard says about his wife.

"I wasn't that competitive" Emily disagrees.

"This woman was kicked off the field hockey team at Smith for elbowing Ceacy Evertz in the neck" Richard remembers. "She got in the way" Emily defends herself.

These are the dinners Victoria likes, no fighting just simple normal conversations. "This happened in the parking lot after the game" Richard points out. "Now, now" Emily brushes him off.

Victoria laughs entertained by her grandparents acting like a normal couple.

"Rory, tell us more about this internship. It sounds very exciting" Emily changes the topic. "Well, all I really know is that I'm going to be shadowing Mitchum Huntzberger just to sort of learn and observe plus pitching in here and there" Rory tells them.

"You are going to learn a hell of a lot from a man like that" Victoria says before taking a bite. "It was very sweet of Logan to arrange this for you" Emily says. "Sweet had nothing to do with it. From what I was told, Mitchum offered her the job himself" Victoria tells her.

"Really?" Emily asks shocked.

"Now how about that? He just called you up?" Richard asks impressed. "Your reputation for excellence preceded you?" he adds.

"Well, he came by Yale, actually. I had met him when I had dinner at his house, and-" Rory explains. "Dinner? What dinner?" Emily cuts her off. "Um, just a dinner that Logan took me to" Rory replies.

"At the Huntzbergers' house?" Richard asks.

"Well, yes" Rory answers not seeing the problem. "When? When?" Emily asks twice.

"About a week ago, I guess" Rory says confused. "Good lord" Richard says. "What's the problem?" Victoria asks just as confused as her sister.

"It's already been a week, that's the problem" Emily tells her.

"We need to invite him right away" Richard says. "Who?" Rory asks.

"Logan. The ball's been dropped" Emily replies. "I put an invite in the mail first thing tomorrow" Richard tells them. "We really should've had him over first, we probably should call him as well" Emily suggests.

"We could messenger an invite tonight. It is at even 8:00" Richard checks his watch.

"It's really that urgent?" Victoria asks. "Of course it is. And you ought to bring Tristan too to make Logan feel more comfortable" Emily tells her.

"It's really nice of you to want to have him over and make him comfortable, really, but you don't need t-" Rory tries. "Rory, if you could mention it to him yourself preferably tonight I'll get a note over to him tomorrow" Emily interrupts. "He'll need a choice of dates" Richard points out.

"I'll get my book" Emily stands up.

"I'll get mine too" Richard follows. "Rory" Emily says noticing Rory not having called Logan yet.

"Mm, I'll call him now" she says taking a sip of her drink. "Right now. Right now" Richard says as he and his wife leave the room. "Okay" Rory runs out of the room to get her phone and make the call.

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