Chapter 18

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"Everyone's awfully quiet tonight" Emily says sitting at the dinner table with her daughter and granddaughters.

"Sorry grandma, I'm just tired" Victoria apologizes. "Me too, school" Rory adds.

"Work" Lorelai says. "Life" Victoria adds to the list. "Dig it man" Lorelai responds.

"Peace out Humphrey" Rory replies.

"Mystery" Emily says after watching the conversation her family just had. "Well this is just ridiculous, four intelligent women sitting here in complete silence. There must be something to talk about" she says after another moment of silence.

"Do you know that every night at dinner the Kennedy clan would sit around the table having lively debates about everything under the sun? They would quiz each other about current events, historical facts, intellectual trivia. Now the Gilmore clan is just as smart and worldly as the Kennedy's so come on, somebody, say something" Emily tells them. "Did you know that a butt model makes $10,000 a day?" Lorelai asks. "Camelot is truly dead" Emily says giving up.

"Emily!" Richard calls out entering the house.

"In here, just follow the crickets" Emily tells him. "I am sorry I'm late, but I come bearing wonderful news" Richard says sitting down at the table.

"Siri, bring Mr Gilmore a plate" Emily calls the maid. "I just got off the phone" Richard tells the table. "Would you like to change first?" Emily asks walking over to him.

"No, I'm fine" Richard tells her.

"Siri, Mr Gilmore is hungry" Emily calls out to the maid again. "I'm perfectly capable of putting a napkin on my lap" Richard says as his wife tries putting his napkin in his lap for him.

"Alright, I'm sorry. You were on the phone" Emily says going back to her seat. "Long distance" Richard gets back to his story. "God?" Victoria asks.

"London" Richard tells her.

"God lives in London?" Lorelai asks. "My mother lives in London" Richard corrects her.

"Your mother is God?" Lorelai asks. "Lorelai" Richard says. "So god is a woman" Lorelai keeps talking.

"And a family member" Victoria points out.

"That is so cool, I'm gonna totally ask for favors" Lorelai jokes. "Make them stop" Richard says turning to Rory.

"Oh if I could" Rory says. "You spoke with your mother" Emily says getting the story back on track. "Yes I did, she's fine, she sends her love, and she's coming to visit" Richard tells them.

"What?" Emily asks.

"You're kidding" Lorelai says. "I'm gonna get to meet my great-grandma?" Victoria asks.

"Lorelai the first" Richard comments. "When?" Emily asks. "I was named after her" Lorelai tells her daughters.

"Richard when?" Emily asks again.

"I figured" Rory slightly laughs. "Richard when?" Emily repeats.

"You're going to love her, my mother is brilliant. Absolutely brilliant" Richard tells his granddaughters. "We share that also" Lorelai adds. "I'm asking a question here, does no one hear me? Am I suddenly invisible?" Emily asks tired of being ignored.

"I'm sorry, what was your question?" Richard asks his wife.

"When is your mother arriving?" Emily asks him. "A week from today, I'm telling you it's going to be such a treat" Richard answers.

"Excuse me" Emily says getting up and leaving the room.


"So tell me more about her" Victoria says on the car ride home.

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