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If there was one thing Victoria Gilmore could count on it was that nothing would make her feel more at home than Fall in Stars Hollow.

"Do we really need pumpkins?" Tristan asks as Victoria kneels in the grass inspecting all the pumpkins around her. Kirk decided it was a good idea to set up a pumpkin patch in the town square, Tristan of course having to do all the heavy lifting for him.

"It's Fall" is Victoria's only response. "Yes, and we don't have a porch" Tristan points out. "Meaning?" Victoria asks.

"Meaning these are gonna rot on our kitchen counter" Tristan tells her.

Victoria finally stands up. "I want this one" she points.

"It's huge" Tristan says. Instead of saying anything Victoria just keeps looking at him. "And apparently coming home with us" Tristan sighs bending down to pick it up.

"Wonderful choice" Kirk walks over as Tristan drops the pumpkin in a wagon.

"Mrs Ronson needs help getting her pumpkins to her car" Kirk tells him. "I'll be there in a minute" Tristan replies.

Kirk nods and walks away. "I like seeing you do physical labor, it's hot" Victoria says rubbing her hands up Tristan's arms. "Oh really?" he asks grabbing into her hips.

"Mhm" Victoria hums.

"You're lucky Mrs Ronson's waiting" Tristan gives her a quick kiss before leaving.


"By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes" a man on a unicycle cycles past Rory late at night.

All day Rory had been noticing strange things, each thing weirder and weirder. "Rory. Rory" she hears.

Looking up in a tree Rory notices the noise is coming from what looks like a raven. "Get ready, Rory. Get ready, Rory" the raven says. "What the..." officially terrified Rory walks quicker.

When she gets to her office she notices the door slightly open.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" Rory asks walking in. "Hello?" she looks around the dark room. When Rory turns around she gasps loudly seeing the old lady she works with holding a flashlight.

"In omnia paratus" the lady says.

"What?" Rory asks "Didn't I say that right?" the lady looks at the paper in her hand.

"Yep. That's it" she walks away. Turning around to look out the window Rory sees five people in gorilla masks walking towards the building, four men and one woman in a dress. The five figures stop in the middle of the street to pose.

"I'll be damned" Rory's face breaks into a smile.

"Take the masks off" she laughs walking outside. "My dear lady, you do not ask a man to drop his facade" Tristan says from behind one of the masks.

"Not without a 20 in your hand, anyhow" Victoria jokes, her Lorelai humor coming out. "What on earth are you guys doing?" Rory asks them. "She speaks to us as if she knows us" Tristan says.

"As if she has intimate knowledge of us" Colin adds.

"How did your knee surgery go Colin?" Rory asks. "Every single nurse was a man. When did that happen?" he takes his mask off, the others following after.

"So let's take a look at you. She seems pale" Colin says as they start circling Rory. "She's always pale" Tristan comments. "She seems sadly dressed for the fields" Finn says.

"Or riding in boxcars" Robert adds.

"Or perhaps she's passing herself off as a young boy" Colin suggests. "Like Yentl. Tell me girl, are you Yentl?" Victoria asks her sister.

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