Act 4 ch 1

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After spending the entire Summer prancing around Europe our Gilmore girls are finally back home.

"Aah" Lorelai groans standing on the curb. "And we're home" Victoria says.

"How long does a freaking van ride take?" Lorelai asks after taking the worlds longest van ride from the airport. "Not that long" Rory replies. "Everybody in the worlds life flashed before my eyes. That's how much time I had" Victoria says.

"I thought we were gonna die in that van" Lorelai comments.

"It seemed very possible, that van ride seemed longer than our train ride from Paris to Prague and we had that group of French boys singing Sk8er Boy and smelling like a soccer field sitting all around us" Victoria agrees. "Oh, my god! You're back" Babette yells from her front porch.

"Morey, they're back!" she tells running over to them. "Are you hurt?! Are you bleeding?!" Babettes asks the girls. "No, we're fine" Lorelai tells her.

"You're fine? They're fine" Babette yells back to Morey who's still inside.

"Morey!" she yells again. "Yeah?" he asks opening the front door.

"They're fine" Babette yells. "Okay" Morey says. "What the hell happened to you three? According the the itinerary that Rory gave me, you were supposed to be home on Saturday" Babette asks.

"The itinerary that Rory have you?" Lorelai asks unaware the Babette was given an itinerary.

"So when you girls didn't show up, we panicked. Morey!" Babette yells again. "Yeah?" Morey asks sticking his head out again.

"Didn't we panic?" Babette asks him. "Yeah" Morey confirms. "Hey Morey, you ever thought about just staying out here at times like these?" Lorelai suggests.

"By Sunday night, I was a complete basket case. I thought you'd been kidnapped by some crazy Sandinistas or something" Babette explains.

"Because the Sandinista movement is so popular in France" Victoria nods. "So finally I just started calling consulates" Babette continues.

"Consulates?" Victoria asks. "How many consulates?" Lorelai adds. "Oh, jeez all of them. Anyhow, you're here" Babette answers.

"Let's go inside. I want to hear all about Europe" she tells them.

"Morey, I'm going in!" Babette yells. "Okay" he yells back.

Babette runs off into the Gilmore house. "You have her an itinerary?" Lorelai asks Rory. "I thought it would be good for someone to know where we were" Rory explains.

"You gave her an itinerary, and she called every consulate in the world" Victoria says.

"If we were caught smuggling hash over the border and we were thrown in some Turkish prison, wouldn't you want someone to know that we were in Turkey?" Rory defends herself. "Where did we get this hash we're smuggling?" Lorelai asks.

"You were at a cafe, you met a guy, he was sweet talking you, he put the stuff in your purse when you weren't looking" Rory breaks it down. "At least tell me he was cute" Lorelai says. "He was not bad for a hash dealer" Rory replies.


The next morning Victoria's laying in bed dialing on the phone.

"Hello?" Summer answers half asleep not checking who's calling. "Good morning beautiful" Victoria replies with a smile having not been able to talk to the girl as much as she would have liked to recently.

On the other end of the phone Summer's quiet for a moment before smiling even bigger than Victoria is. "Oh my god, you're back?" she asks sitting up. "I'm back" Victoria replies.

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