Act 6 ch 9

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"Roses are amazing, Grandma" Victoria says as Friday night dinner.

"Thank you, Victoria" Emily thanks her. "I like them too, Grandma" Rory agrees with her sister.

"Thank you, Rory" Emily replies. "You are an excellent flower arranger Emily, perhaps you missed your calling" Richard suggests. "Thank you, Richard" Emily smiles.

"Well, done everyone. Well done" Lorelai congratulates them.

"Oh, stop it, Lorelai" Emily tells her. "Why, I'm just commenting on how nice and civil that moment was. Never mind" Lorelai says.

"Go on, go on. That was so cute" she tells them. "The roses are nice, Grandma" Rory says. "Already covered that. Move on" Victoria tells her.

"So, are things going at Yale?" Richard asks.

Yale's been on the don't bring it up list ever since the girls asked Christopher to start paying. "They're good" Victoria nods.

"I didn't know we were allowed to talk about Yale" Emily chimes in. "Mom" Lorelai says. "Oh, no. We're allowed to talk about it" Richard tells his wife.

"We're just not allowed to pay for it" he says.

"Grandpa" Victoria tries. "I wonder if we're allowed to visit it" Emily says.

"Okay, hold on" Lorelai tells them. "Perhaps, if we dress in disguise" Richard suggests. "Guys" Victoria sighs not wanting to fight.

"Plastic nose with glasses attached" Emily keeps going.

"Hey, come on, we were doing so well there for a while. Then you had to start with the Yale" Lorelai complains. "So we can't talk about Yale" Emily says.

"I should make a list. What else am I not allowed to discuss in my house?" Richard asks. "No, of course, you can talk about Yale. Yale is dad's alma mater and the girls go there" Lorelai tells them. "So we have to talk about it, okay? But maybe not now" she requests.

"Fine" Emily says.

"Fine with me" Richard agrees. "Now, I know a lot of stuff has happened. But we all agreed we were gonna put all that being us and just move on, okay?" Lorelai says.

"So...let's take a step back and, uh...start again. In five, four, three, two...these roses are amazing, Grandma" Victoria restarts. "Thank you, Victoria" Emily smiles at her. "Attagirl" Lorelai says.

"Your grandmother has a way with flowers. Perhaps, she missed her calling" Richard says again, sounding forced this time.

"Okay, Grandpa, we don't have to have exactly the same conversation we just had" Victoria clarifies. "How am I supposed to know? You said the same thing you said" he points out.

"I was just getting the ball rolling, okay here we'll talk about something else this time. Five, four, three, two" Victoria tries again. "I love shrimp! Who else loves shrimp?" Richard asks. "Me" Victoria yells.

"I'm a fan" Lorelai says glad to have a new topic.

"Lorelai, how's Luke?" Emily asks her. "Hey, nice one, mom" Lorelai says.

"Thank you" Emily says before Lorelai starts eating without answering the question. "Well?" Emily asks. "What? Oh, oh, he's fine" Lorelai replies.

"So you're still engaged" Emily asks her.

"Yes, we're still engaged" Lorelai responds. "I was just asking. After all, I haven't gotten a save the date card yet" Emily defends herself.

"If you're engaged, I assume you're planning a wedding at some point, not that I've heard anything" she continues. "I will send you a save the date card, mom" Lorelai promises.


Victoria's frozen in place standing outside her, well, Tristan's apartment door.

It feels weird having to knock, it's also a lot harder than she thought it would be. Victoria hadn't been in this building since well...

After standing there for a couple minutes she takes a deep breath hesitantly knocking on the door. Tristan almost instantly opens the door. "You're here" he says looking shocked for some reason.

" texted me to come over" Victoria points out.

"Right, yeah I know. Um, come in" Tristan steps to the side. "So I'm not sure exactly what you were envisioning, but we can make whatever changes you want" he leads the way to the previously spare bedroom.

As Tristan opens the bedroom door Victoria takes a step in looking around. Part of her wanted it to suck, part of her wanted him to have done a terrible job. But he didn't, she had to give credit where credit was due and she was impressed

There wasn't only big stuff like the crib, dresser, changing table, comfy chair, but also the little things.

There were stuffed animals, diapers, bottles, onesies. "I tried to keep the clothes gender neutral" Tristan says.

"They're so tiny" Victoria whispers as she picks up a gray onesie. "It's gonna fit in this?" she says softly. "Crazy, right? I didn't really realize how small he or she was gonna be until I was actually in the baby section" Tristan says.

"Wow" Victoria puts a hand on her stomach as she sits in the chair.

"This is all feeling very real all of a sudden" she says a little overwhelmed. "I think you should move back in" Tristan says abruptly.

"Tristan...we've talked about this" Victoria sighs shaking her head. "I know, I know. But if you stay at your mom's it'll be you and the baby and all of your stuff and all of the baby's stuff all stuffed in that little room, this would make things so much easier on you" Tristan insists. "And we won't have to share a bed, I'll sleep on the couch or maybe get a little twin sized mattress to put in the front room or something, I don't know yet but I just think it'd be easier if the three of us were under one roof, at least for the first few months during the newborn phase. This way right when I get out of class I could get back here real quick to take over and you can go to yours, it just makes sense" he explains.

"Okay" Victoria nods.

"Okay?" Tristan asks her. "Okay. I guess trying wouldn't hurt" Victoria agrees.

Tristan let's put a relieved breath he didn't even realize he was holding in and can't help but smile. "Good, that-that's good. Thank you" he says.


It's almost baby time...any last minute name suggestions?
For either gender cause I know the gender but I'm not telling you yet

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