Act 6 ch 11

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"I can't believe you won't tell me my own grandson's name" Lorelai says sitting on Victoria's hospital bed with the baby in her arms.

"The doctor said we can go home tonight. I'll pick one by then, I swear" Victoria tells her. "Do you want me to come over?" Lorelai offers.

"No" Victoria answers instantly. "What? Why not?" Lorelai asks offended. "You have to go to Rory's panel tonight, I'm not letting this takeover everyone's lives" Victoria insists.

"I knew I should've raised you to be more selfish" Lorelai jokes.

"Mom" Victoria says. "You had a baby, things are supposed to revolve around the two of you right now. That's how it works" Lorelai replies.

"If you go home tonight, I'll come over and tell you his name tomorrow" Victoria tells her. "Tomorrow? I thought you were naming him tonight" Lorelai says. "Well I want to tell you in person" Victoria replies.

"Then tell me now" Lorelai says.

"I don't know now" Victoria reminds her. "Then let me come over tonight and tell me then" Lorelai responds.

"You're busy tonight" Victoria points out. "Fine, but I get to know before anyone other than you, Tristan, and the doctors" Lorelai requests. "Of course" Victoria agrees.


The next day Victoria walks into her mother's house, carrying the baby that's still in his car seat carrier.

"Hello?" she calls out. "Victoria" Gigi comes running from the kitchen.

"Gigi" Victoria puts down the carrier to hug her little sister. "I didn't know you were gonna be here" Victoria says. "Aunt Lorelai's babysitting today. See, I'm still good with kids, I'm still of use" Lorelai walks over to them.

"Gigi, you wanna meet your nephew?" Victoria asks.

"Yeah" Gigi nods excited. "Okay, sit on the couch" Victoria tells her, Gigi instantly listening.

Taking the baby out of his seat, Victoria sits down next to Gigi. "Say hi to Gary" Lorelai says. "Who the hell is Gary?" Victoria looks up at her.

"I've decided that if you're not gonna tell me his real name, I'm just gonna call him one you hate" Lorelai explains.

"Mom, Gigi, I'd like you both to meet the new most important person in my life, James Lucas Dugray" Victoria tells them.


That first month with a newborn was the hardest month of Victoria's life, she barely slept, rarely ever showered, never left the apartment, her life completely revolves around the baby that she was now convinced hated her.

"Please stop crying, please. Can you just tell me what to do?" she cries walking around the apartment trying to soothe her screaming infant. "What happened? I could hear him from the stairs" Tristan walks in the front door.

"Oh so the neighbors can probably hear and hate me too, that's just great" Victoria sighs heavily. "Let me see him" Tristan takes the baby from her. And yes, within seconds the screaming stops.

"Oh my god" Victoria groans collapsing onto the couch.

"What's wrong?" Tristan asks her. "What's wrong? The neighbors hate me, Jamie hates me, he screams at me, he's perfect for you, I have baby vomit on my shirt, I-" Victoria starts ranting.

"Hey, hey. First of all, no one hates you" Tristan stops her. "You might actually be impossible to hate" he adds. "Second, that was my last class of the day so I'm good to take over now. Just take a shower, relax for a bit, and then you could go to Lane's bachelorette party and get drunk for the first time in almost a year" Tristan finishes.

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