Act 4 ch 17

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"This is humiliating" Victoria complains riding in Kirk's pedi-cab with Lorelai and Rory.

"Oh, no, we passed humiliating two minutes ago" Lorelai replies. "Luke's gonna be completely out of doughnuts by the time we get there" Rory tells them.

"I don't why he won't just buy six extra sprinkled ones, so we'd never have to have the conversation which we're going to have-if we ever get there" Victoria says. "I got class in two hours. I'm never gonna make it" Rory gets worried. "Kirk, how you doing?" Lorelai asks only getting a nod in response.

"You sure? You seem to be having a little trouble forming words there" Victoria asks.

"" Kirk answers strained. "You know, you don't have to take us all the way to Luke's" Lorelai tells him.

"Yes, Kirk, listen to her" Victoria agrees. "I offered you the first ride in Kirk's new Stars Hollow Pedi-cab, and that is exactly what you're gonna get" Kirk insists. "Okay" Victoria sighs giving in.

"Time just whizzes by when you're riding in a pedi-cab" Kirk says.

"Hey, guys" Gypsy walks by. "Gypsy just out-strolled us" Rory points out.

"We've gotta get outta here" Lorelai says. "How we doing back there?" Kirk asks them. "We're doing fine, Kirk" Victoria answers.

"I figure this baby's gonna be a real money..." Kirk trails off.

"A real money- moneywhat, Kirk? Kirk, can you breathe?" Victoria asks when Kirk starts gasping for air. "Talk to us" Lorelai tells him.

"Hit the handlebars three times if you can breathe and two if you can't" Rory says causing Kirk to hit the handlebars. "He hit once.What does once mean?" Victoria asks scared. "That he couldn't make it to twice?" Rory suggests.

"Kirk. Kirk, stop, please" Lorelai begs.

"Just for a second. Then we'll be on our way... like the wind" Kirk stops. "Okay, you know what, Kirk? This has been really fun, but I think we'll just hoof it the rest of the way" Victoria tells him.

"But the ride wasn't over yet" Kirk replies. "Yeah, but we don't want to hog the cab" Victoria says. "'Cause there's only one" Lorelai nods.

"But we'll tell our friends" Rory assures him.

"What was wrong with the ride?" Kirk asks. "Uh, nothing. I mean, it's great for tourists who are new to the town and want to make sure they don't miss a thing" Victoria answers.

"I wasn't going that slow" Kirk says upset. "No, you just maybe need a little more training before tourist season kicks in. You know, take a spinning class or buy some legs" Lorelei tells him. "Sorry, Kirk" Victoria apologizes.

"You will be sorry" Kirk says as the girls start walking.

"You'll be sorry you turned down the chance to ride in Stars Hollow's first..." he calls after them. "Now he's gonna hate us forever" Rory sighs.

"No, he's not. He's just gonna hate us till something shiny comes by" Victoria assures her. "Well, well, well. I guess it wasn't me that was slowing things down" Kirk pedals past them with ease. "I guess it was my big, fat cargo" he adds.

"Hey" Victoria says offended.

"Freshman 15" Kirk yells. "Kirk" Lorelei calls after him.

"Can't wait to get my doughnut" Kirk quickly pedals to Luke's. "Stay away from my doughnut, Kirk! I mean it" Victoria runs after him.  "It's my doughnut! Freak" she yells.


"Andddd booked" Victoria presses the final button on the computer.

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