Act 2 ch 3

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"Oh my god here" Lorelai says as her and the twins taste test wedding cakes.

"Wow" Victoria says. "With a crunch and a zing" Lorelai replies.

"Okay, our house is burning down and you can save me or the cake. What do you choose?" Rory asks her. "Well that's not fair the cake doesn't have legs" she answers. "So, how are we coming here?" Fran asks walking over to them.

"Oh Fran, so good. This cake is amazing" Victoria tells her.

"Beyond amazing" Rory adds. "Well I should hope so, we've been doing this for 112 years" Fran tells them.

"Huh, well you don't look a day over 106" Lorelai jokes. "No, I meant my family's been doing it for that long" Fran replies. "R-right, okay. Well I'm glad we got that cleared up" Lorelai says.

"So when is the big day again?" Fran asks.

"Two weeks from tomorrow" Lorelai tells her. "Have you picked a flavor?" she asks.

"Oh, I don't know, They're all so good" Lorelai answers. "Well you have to try them again" Fran says. "Oh no, I've already eaten so many" Lorelai replies.

"This is a very crucial decision going last, cake is the glue of the wedding so you will stand here and eat until you decide" Fran insists.

"Okay, if you insist" Lorelai says. "I do, after all whats more important than your wedding day?" Fran asks.

"Well it ain't guy fawkes day" Lorelai jokes. "Yes, well I'll just go and see if there's anything else in the back" Fran says walking away. "Thanks" Lorelai thanks her.

"How was it seeing Max last night?" Victoria asks.

"No gory details" Rory says. "Like I've ever shared that part of my relationship with you" Lorelai replies.

"You've alluded, you've insinuated, you have tiptoed to the brink of impropriety" Victoria tells her. "Hmm, that Chilton has taught you some big words" Lorelai says. "Thanks kind of the point" Rory replies.

"It was really great, I'm glad he's back" Lorelai gets back to the original question.

"And he's onboard with the whole smallish wedding thing?" Victoria asks her. "Oh yeah, we want fun we want simple we want fast. We've been completely in sync" she answers.

"Without the slightly gay boy band affiliation" she continues. "Oh, I printed up some sample invitations for you. I made them on my computer" Rory says showing her the invitations. "All you have to do is pick out a quote for the front page and I'll print them up" she adds.

"Okay, um what is love it is the morning and the evening star. Euugghhh" Lorelai doesn't like the firts quote she reads.

"Sinclair Lewis" Rory tells her. "Sinclair sappy Lewis" Victoria agrees with her mother.

"Fine, next" Rory shows her another one. "And all went merry as a marriage bell but hush hark a deep sound strikes like a rising knell, what is it with poetry?" Lorelai asks. "Lord Byron" Rory tells her.

"Byron and Lewis together again" Victoria jokes.

"Okay, last one" Rory says showing them the final choice. "We have buried the putrid corpse of liberty, perfect" Lorelai approves.

"Mussolini it is" Rory says. "Um can I ask you an ethical question?" Victoria asks her mother. "Go for it" Lorelai tells her.

"I'd it right to be sampling wedding cakes when Sookie's making yours for free?" she asks.

"What is right anyway, who defines right? And if eating cake is wrong I don't want to be right" Lorelai answers. "I'm bring out a mocha crunch creme" Fran yells from the back.

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