Act 3 ch 13

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"Hello" Tristan answers the phone.

"Give me an excuse" Victoria tells him. "What?" Tristan asks.

"My grandma trapped Rory into bringing Jess to next Friday night dinner which of course will end badly and you know I hate watching my mom and grandma fight, I need an excuse not to go" Victoria explains. "Ah, yeah there's no way that doesn't end with them fighting" Tristan agrees. "Exactly" Victoria says.

"Your mom has to know bringing Jess is a bad idea, she can't get you guys out of it?" Tristan asks her.

"It's either Jess comes now to meet my grandma or he meets grandma, grandpa, and gran at graduation plus Rory already agreed, and after what happened last time I skipped a dinner I'm scared to ask again" Victoria replies. "What if I call your grandma? I can tell her that I know Friday nights are important but that I have some special surprise planned for you and wanted to check with her first" Tristan suggests.

"That might work, especially the wanting to check with her first part. She'll like that" Victoria tells him. "I'll call her" Tristan says. "Thank you, I love you" Victoria replies.

"I love you too" Tristan says.


"Okay, Saturday morning I've got hair appointment, nails, and Jim" Lorelai reads a post it note.

"You don't go to the the gym" Rory says. "No, Jim is coming here to fix the garbage disposal" Lorelai clarifies.

"Jim Dunning. Got it" Rory nods. "Well I got reshaplabsham" Victoria struggles to read her own hand writing. She was in a bit of a rush when she wrote it.

"What?" Rory asks confused.

"I don't know. I can't read it" Victoria shrugs. "I hate that we have to coordinate schedules, you're my daughters" Lorelai groans.

The Gilmore girl trio recently came to the realization that with the twins nearing the end of their senior year of high school this is gonna be a pretty busy time for them. "But if we don't we may never see each other" Victoria says. "We didn't used to have to do this" Lorelai replies.

"We're busier now" Rory points out.

"Let's just run away together and leave all this behind" Lorelai suggests. "You mean our house?" Rory asks her.

"No, we'll take the house. We'll leave everything else" Lorelai answers. "Put it on your list" Victoria says. "What's this I have down for Sunday, lathe bang trafficking?" she asks grabbing another post it with her messy handwriting to show to her mother and sister.

"Lane's band practicing" Rory tells her sister.

"Underneath it, net frax?" Victoria asks. "Get snacks" Rory replies.

"Right! For the band" Victoria remembers.


"Ooh hold on I wanna run into Doose's real quick to get whipped cream if we're making sundaes later" Victoria says stopping in front of the store.

Her and Tristan were on their way to rent a movie from the Stars Hollow Video Store when they walked past Doose's. "Okay, I'm gonna grab some chips too" Tristan says walking into the store.

"Okay" Victoria says walking away from him to a different section of the store. When Tristan walks over to the chips section he catches the eye of a familiar woman. "Tristan?" Patty says walking over to him.

"Oh, hey Patty" Tristan greets her.

"It's been a while since I've seen you, is Victoria here?" Patty asks. "Yeah, yeah she's around here somewhere" Tristan replies.

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