Act 5 ch 10

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"Okay. So, where do the cool kids sit?" Lorelai asks walking through the Yale cafeteria with her daughters.

"This is Yale. There are no cool kid tables" Victoria laughs. "Oh, come on. Point out the cliques" Lorelai insists.

"The geeks, the stoners, the plastics. Give me the scoop" she lists. "The scoop is, that this is Yale. There are no cliques, we are beyond cliques" Rory agrees with her sister. "So you get to college and everybody just loves each other?" Lorelai asks.

"Yes, it's Haight Ashbury all over again" Victoria replies.

"Except the tie-dye's done by Prada" Rory adds. "Okay" Lorelai goes to sit down.

"Hey, not that one" Victoria stops her. "See? That was a clique table" Lorelai says. "No, it's under an air vent" Victoria explains.

"Seriously, grandma, buy a shawl" Lorelai says.

"You know I hate being cold" Victoria replies. "Here's to our very own special Friday night dinner" Rory changes the subject.

"Hear, hear" Victoria says. "This stuff looks pretty good" Lorelai looks at the food. "It is. So, what's going on at home?" Victoria asks.

"Big grapefruit shortage. The hurricanes wiped 'em out and Taylor is completely freaking out" Lorelai tells her daughters.

"I'm sure" Rory says. "And Patty and Babette are organizing Stars Hollow's first botox party" Lorelai adds.

"Are you invited?" Victoria asks her. "Are you insinuating that I should be?" Lorelai asks back. "So, the Hollow's low on grapefruits?" Rory asks.

"Uh-huh. And I'm doing costumes for the Star's Hollow Elementary School production of Fiddler on the Roof" Lorelai confirms.

"So, how are you doing?" Victoria emphasizes the word you. "I'm doing fine" Lorelai chuckles.

"How are you doing?" Rory also asks. "I am doing fine, I swear. I'm getting better" Lorelai says referring to Luke breaking up with her. "No word from Luke?" Victoria asks.

"Not waiting on word from Luke" Lorelai replies.

"Okay" Victoria doesn't push any further. "Anyhow, I'm fine, I mean not that I'm over it, but little by little it's getting easier to pretend it's easier which means easier must be right around the corner" Lorelai says sort of making sense of you really pay attention.

"I'm sure it is" Rory assures her. "And I'm working on getting down a new routine. I've settled on Weston's in the morning" Lorelai continues. "Decent coffee, excellent strudel" Victoria comments.


"You are so not starving here at Yale" Lorelai says eating ice cream while walking outside of Yale.

"My lips are frozen" Victoria tells her. "Look, while it might seem a little eccentric to eat ice cream in forty degree weather-" Lorelai starts.

"You'd think" Rory cuts her off. "There are several advantages to the concept. For example, since it's cold out, the ice cream won't melt, therefore it'll last longer" Lorelai continues. "So then my lips will stay frozen for double the amount of time" Victoria says.

"Mm-hmm. Okay, I lost the feeling in my tongue" Lorelai tells them.

"I'm throwing the ice cream out now" Rory says. "Oh, my God, it's frozen. It's like an ice cube" Lorelai touches her tongue.

"A tongue-shaped ice cube and it'll never thaw" she adds. "Then why don't you shut your mouth? Let the heat stay inside?" Victoria suggests. "That was hostile" Lorelai replies but does it anyway.

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