Act 4 ch 7

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Lorelai is sitting at the kitchen table clipping coupons when her daughters walk in cashing Lorelai to hide the coupons.

"Morning" Lorelai greets them. "Morning" Victoria says moving to sit next to her as Rory holds a giant bag full of both sisters laundry.

"Hey, would you be horrified if I started clipping coupons again?" Lorelai asks her daughters. "Yes" Rory answers. "Oh, well, then, I won't" Lorelai lies.

"Wait, did you say again?" Victoria asks.

"I meant ever" Lorelai replies. "When did you clip coupons before?" Rory asks her.

"I didn't. I misspoke" Lorelai lies. "Whoops" she says. "Uh huh" Victoria says not believing her mother.

"Hey, how is it that your dirty laundry has increased exponentially since you started Yale?" Lorelai changes the topic.

"Cause we're dirty, filthy Yale girls now" Rory jokes before she grabs the page of coupons from the table. "I told you I'm not gonna clip them" Lorelai says.

"Then what's the problem?" Victoria asks. "Just for the Fig Newtons, please" Lorelai begs. Rory opens the back door and listens to the music coming from the garage.

"Whoa! That is-" Victoria starts shocked by what she hears.

"Sucks" Lorelai cuts her off. "That is totally sucks. And they're like on their two hundredth guitarist audition" Rory agrees.

"Well, they must be down to the deaf, dumb, and blind ones" Victoria says. "Ah, he found it" Lorelai comments. "Found what?" Victoria asks.

"The lost chord" Lorelai answers.

"So, the washer's broken" Rory notices. "Yup" Lorelai confirms.

"You didn't think to mention that when you saw the exponential amount of laundry she had?" Victoria asks. "Sorry" Lorelai apologizes. "Or when I called from Yale to say that I had exponential amounts of laundry to do" Rory adds.

"You've totally co-opted my word" Lorelai complains.

"Okay, plethora-we have a plethora of dirty laundry and nowhere to do it" Victoria rephrases. "But you don't come home to do your laundry. You come home to see your mama" Lorelai says.

"No, this time I came home to do my laundry" Rory replies.

"All right. I'll call the repairman A.S.A.P." Lorelai says. "Hey, you hear that?" Victoria asks.

"What?" Lorelai asks her. "No music" Victoria answers. "And the band stopped playing, too" Lorelai says beforeLane walks in through the back door.

"Hi, Lane" Rory greets her.

"How's it going there?" Victoria asks. With it saying anything Lane walks to the sink, turns the faucet on, and sticks her head under the water.

"You think she can hear us?" Victoria asks turning to her mother. "I think out of self-defense her ears have become vestigial organs" Lorelai answers as Lane walks back outside.


Victoria's laying on the couch while Lorelai's in the shower when Lorelai's phone rings.

Looking at the phone Victoria instantly recognizes Tristan's phone number causing her to quickly answer. "Tristan?" she asks confused.

The other side of the phone's quiet for a moment. "Victoria, I uh I figured you'd be at your dorm" Tristan says awkwardly. "Then why'd you call?" Victoria asks.

No response.

"Were you-were you seriously calling my mother?" Victoria asks him. "...Paris won't let me anywhere near you at Yale, Lorelai's the only person who would check in with me after the accident and let me know how you were doing" Tristan explains.

"Hold on, ever since we broke up you've been talking to my mom on a regular basis to get information about me? That's so creepy" Victoria says. "It's not creepy, she just lets me know how your healing and coping and stuff" Tristan responds. "Tristan, it's been a month. Her calling you right after I got out of the hospital is one thing but what the hell first Dean now you, why does my mother insist on exchanging information with her daughters exes" Victoria complains.

"We just want to make sure you're gonna be alright" Tristan insists.

"Well now you know I'm fine so I guess you could stop" Victoria says before hanging up.


"I'm sorry" Lorelai apologizes.

"I just don't understand how you could think it's a good idea to talk about me to my ex" Victoria replies. "He's family" Lorelai says.

"No, I'm family. I'm your daughter" Victoria tells her. "I know but come on he's been in our life for three years, if I know he's worried about you I'm gonna talk to him about it" Lorelai defends herself. "That only takes one call, not multiple" Victoria insists.

"Well updates" Lorelai says.

"Updates on what? Just say I'm getting better and that's it" Victoria replies. "But I don't know that you're getting better, you're always either numb or testy and it hurts to see" Lorelai explains.

"Then talk about your concerns with me, not someone I haven't talked to in weeks" Victoria tells her.


"Home birth?" Victoria asks sitting in the back of a town meeting.

"I was horrified and I hid it horribly. I wanted to be supportive but throw up at the same time" Lorelai replies. "A plastic sheet?" Rory asks.

"I saw it. It was the same one that boy who couldn't hold it had to use in that after-school special" Lorelai tells them. "What was that called?" she asks. "It's Not Benny's Fault" Victoria answers.

"Oh, God. It was so insane" Lorelai talks about home brith again.

"It's what hospitals are for" Victoria agrees. "Hey, Lane, there's a seat behind my girlfriend" Kirk says seeing Lane walk in, and also just really wanting everyone to know he got a girlfriend.

"That's okay, Kirk. Hi" Lane says sitting by our Gilmore girls. "Get this. I just found the most amazing guitarist-a phenom" she tells them. "He was cool on the phone, and we're meeting him tomorrow" Lane says excited.

"That's great" Rory says.

"I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but I've already figured out that our Spin cover should be against a bloodred backdrop with a skull hovering over us" Lane tells them. "Oh, well, very Norman Rockwell" Victoria comments.

"That woman's staring at me" Rory says uncomfortable. "Oh, Mrs. Van-uppity? Well, maybe you're just her type" Lorelai shrugs it off.


Tristan when Victoria answers:

Tristan when Victoria answers:

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