Act 3 ch 1

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"How could you not tell them?" Victoria asks going antiquing with her mom and Sookie.

"Well they left two days after Sookie's wedding, and they were in Martha's vineyard all summer. It just seemed quieter" Lorelai defends herself. "What do you think? Manly?" Sookie asks picking up a lamp.

"In an Oscar Wilde sort of way, absolutely. You know you're gonna have to tell them tonight, right" Victoria answers before turning to her mother. "Yeah, I mean the subject will come up. They probably think you and Christopher are heading down the aisle and day now" Sookie agrees. "I know, I know" Lorelai sighs.

"A shaving table. It's perfect" Sookie gasps.

"And $1,200" Victoria adds. "$1,200 for what?" Sookie asks in disbelief.

"What do you mean for what? This is an antique" Mrs Kim pops up out of nowhere. "Where does she come from?" Victoria whispers. "This was Sherman's shaving table" Mrs Kim tells them.

"Sherman?" Lorelai asks.

"General Sherman, famous man. Burned Atlanta, like a close save" Mrs Kim explains. "Wow, historical" Lorelai replies.

"All original, perfect shape. I'll give you 10% off, you want it?" Mrs Kim offers. "Oh, well, maybe. I just wanted to look around a little bit first but it's very nice" Sookie answers unsure. "I know it's very nice" Mrs Kim says before quickly walking away.

"Boy, she would've made a great nun" Lorelai says.

"So, how are you planning on telling them?" Victoria asks. "I thought I'd do it like Nell, you know chica chica chica bee" Lorelai jokes.

"Yeah, that's a very good idea" Sookie laughs. "Oh, I'll tell them. I promise" Lorelai says. "Oh, my god! Look" Sookie gasps.

"What?" Victoria asks following her.

"For over the mantelpiece. It's perfect" Sookie says looking at a giant fish. "It's a dead fish" Lorelai says.

"It's an antique stuffed and mounted trout, and I think it's manly" Sookie corrects her. "Oh, please" Lorelai says. "It is, it's very Ralph Lauren" Sookie insists.

"Sookie, Jackson loves you. You're not seriously telling me the future of your marriage depends on Leon Troutsky over there" Victoria tells her.

"I-I guess not" Sookie admits. "Just think about it, okay? You don't have to make every decision right now, do a little more shopping" Lorelai suggests.

"Okay" Sookie agrees. "Okay, we gotta go pick up Rory at the airport and then we'll swing by and pickup you guys for the festival" Lorelai tells her. "Great" Sookie says.

"Okay, see you later" Lorelai says before starting to walk away.

"Bye" Sookie says. "Bye" Victoria replies.


"Hey, Gilmore!" Lorelai yells seeing Rory in the airport.

All three Gilmore girls start running but due to both Victoria and Lorelai jumping onto Rory they all fall down. "Luckily, there are video cameras everywhere that caught that very graceful moment on tape" Victoria laughs.

"I'm so glad to see you!" Rory tells them. "No, I'm glad to see you" Lorelai says. "I'm never leaving home again" Rory insists.

"Oh, that's my emotionally stunted girl" Lorelai says.

"Hey, we got you gifts" Victoria tells her sister. "What? I'm the one that left, I'm supposed to get you gifts" Rory replies.

"Well we got here early and there was nothing to do except reed gummy bears to the bomb sniffing dogs, which apparently the United States government frowns upon" Lorelai explains. "You got in trouble with the government while you were waiting for me?" Rory asks. "Just a little" Victoria says.

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