Act 7 ch 1

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"You know you're only gonna be gone one night right?" Tristan asks watching Victoria pack everything she can into the diaper bag.

He gets no response as she keeps packing. "You are only gonna be gone one night right?" Tristan asks.

"Of course" Victoria answers. "Okay...and we-uh, we're..." Tristan says nervous. "We're figuring things out" Victoria tells him.

"Okay...and so then you leaving, that shouldn't worry me?" Tristan asks her.

"Not at all. I'm going for Lane and that is all" Victoria replies. "Okay" Tristan nods.

"I like that you're nervous" Victoria smiles. "I hate it" Tristan says. "I know, that's part of the fun" Victoria laughs.


"Stupid London" Rory groans sitting across from Lorelai in the kitchen.

"Why's London stupid?" Victoria asks walking in with her baby carrier. "I didn't know you were coming over" Lorelai gets up to hug her daughter.

"Lane called, she's back from her honeymoon" Victoria explains her trip to Stars Hollow. "Oh, yay" Rory smiles. "She sounded kind of tired, which is good, I think. Tired after a honeymoon bodes well" Victoria says taking the baby out of his seat.

"My married friend Lane and her married husband Zach. Nutso" Rory says.

"Hmm. Spoken like a true grown-up" Lorelai replaces. "I gotta go to work, say hey to Lane for me though" she tells her daughters.


As the twins get to Lane's house pushing the baby in his stroller they see Zach leaving.

"Hey, Zach. So, the honeymoon's over" Rory says. "Is the honeymoon over?" she asks him.

"What?" Zach asks. "How was Mexico?" Victoria asks him. "Full of parasites" Zach answers.

"Oh, gee, that's no good" Rory says.

"The whole trip was a total fiasco. It was the Stones at Altamont times a billion" Zach tells them. "But you and Lane were so excited about it. From the way you talked, I was half worried you'd start a mariachi band" Victoria replies.

"Mexico sucks. And we were psyched" Zach says. "That's part of why it sucked so bad. I thought I found this amazing deal online" he continues. "Right. Pedro's paradise" Zach tells them.

"It all sounded good. The website said it had ocean views, its own kitchen, and a Jacuzzi" he lists.

"And nobody loves Jacuzzis more than me. Nobody" Zach insists. "And then we get there, and it turns out Pedro's paradise is just this room in this dude Pedro's crappy apartment" he explains.

"No. His apartment?" Rory asks. "23 miles from the ocean, with a view of a billboard for Mexican nasal spray" Zach tells her. "So the website lied" Victoria says.

"The kitchen we were promised, it smelled like Rice-a-Roni and was always full of Pedro's jerky friends listening to the devil's music, playing cards, and making snide remarks about us in code" Zach rants.

"Pedro's friends talked in code?" Rory asks. "Well, Spanish, technically. Same difference" Zach clarifies.

"They knew I couldn't understand them. Pedro was evil, man" he scoffs. "Man" Victoria says feeling bad. "Anyway on the second day, I got some parasite, and I've been barfing Linda Blair style ever since. I'm getting better, but now it looks like Lane's got it" Zach keeps going.

"Oh no" Rory says.

"I'm heading over to Doose's right now to get some ginger ale and saltines, which by the way was all we ate in the way of Mexican food" Zach tells them. "Oh, I'm sorry your trip was so sucky" Victoria responds.

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