Chapter 14

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"Hello?" Dean calls out entering the Gilmore house.

"Do you come bearing pizza?" Victoria asks him from the front room. "I'm not an idiot" he replies.

"Then get in here" Lorelai says as Dean walks in the front room where the Gilmore girls and Tristan are already sitting. "Hey" Rory greets him. "Hey" Dean says back.

"Sit, you're missing it" Victoria tells him.

"What are we watching?" Dean asks. "The incomparable Dona Reed show" Lorelai answers.

"What's in there?" Rory asking pointing to a bag Dean has. "A salad" Dean tells her. "A salad?" she asks.

"Yeah, it's a quaint dish sometimes used to proceed large quantities of pizza" Dean says.

"It's for me" he adds seeing the looks on their faces. "Clearly" Rory responds.

"So who's Dona Reed?" Dean asks the group. "What?!" Victoria asks. "You don't know who Dona Reed is?" Lorelai asks in disbelief.

"You have to have atleast heard the name before" Tristan says.

"The quintessential 50s mom with the perfect 50s family" Lorelai tells Dean. "Never without a smile and high heels" Victoria adds.

"Hair that if you hit it with a hammer would crack" Rory finishes. "So it's a show?" Dean asks. "It's a lifestyle" Victoria tells him.

"It's a religion" Lorelai adds.

"My favorite episode" Rory starts. "Mm mm tell me tell me" Lorelai says.

"Is the one where their son Jeff comes home from school and nothing happens" Rory tells them. "That's a good one" Victoria agrees. "One of my favorites is when Mary the daughter gets a part time job and nothing happens" Lorelai says.

"Another classic" Rory comments.

"So what's this one about?" Dean asks. "This one is a actually quite filled with intrigue, the husband Alex comes home late for dinner and he didn't call" Victoria tells him.

"Might as well kick the dog too" Tristan jokes. "Oh oh look she's making donuts" Lorelai says. "Not that my sugary attitude wouldn't make anyone an instant diabetic" Victoria makes up her own dialogue for the show they're watching.

"Mother daughter window washing, we should try that" Rory suggests as the mother and daughter on tv wash windows.

"Yeah right after mother daughter shock treatments" Lorelai replies. "You know daughter there's nothing more satisfying than washing windows, oh no" she mocks the on screen mother.

"What? Did I miss a spot?" Victoria mocks the on screen daughter. "No, I just had an impure thought about your father Alex, funny I don't know why I had it it isn't the second Saturday of the month" Lorelai keeps speaking for the mother. "Hey, I heard you had an impure thought about me" Rory says using a man voice.

"I must now sublimate all my impure thoughts by going into the kitchen and making an endless string of perfect casseroles" Lorelai says.

"You're not even listening to the dialogue" Dean tells them. "Theirs is better" Tristan says.

"I don't know, it all seems kind of nice to me" Dean comments. "What does?" Rory asks. "Well you know, families hanging together. I mean a wife cooking dinner for her husband, and look she seems really happy" Dean explains.

"She's medicated" Victoria responds.

"And acting from a script" Rory says. "Written by a man" Lorelai adds.

"Well said sister suffragette" Victoria says. "Well what if she likes making doughnuts and dinner for her family and keeping things nice for them and... Okay, I feel very unpopular right now" Dean says noticing the looks he's getting.

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