Act 3 ch 2

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"Well, this is nice, isn't it?" Victoria asks sitting in her grandparent's living room.

"Yes, very" Rory answers while Lorelai and Emily sit in silence. "So, grandma, grandpa is traveling again, huh?" Victoria asks.

"Yes, he is" Emily answers. "Business must be good" Rory says. "Seems to be" Emily replies.

"That's great. Isn't that great, mom?" Victoria asks turning to her mother.

"A jig is forthcoming" Lorelai responds. "Moms business is great too. I mean, not that it's without its problems you know but they're usually funny problems like um oh mom why don't you tell grandma about the mouse?" Rory mentions.

"What mouse?" Emily asks. "Mom" Victoria pushes. "There's a mouse at the inn" Lorelai says.

"Is the place dirty?" Emily asks her.

"No. It's just surrounded by this thing called nature, and mice happen" Lorelai replies. "Mice carry diseases" Emily points out.

"It's a tiny little field mouse mom" Lorelai sighs. "I don't care how big it is, it's still a rodent" Emily insists. "Let's just change the subject, shall we?" Lorelai suggests.


"Bless you" Victoria says when Lorelai sneezes.

"Thank you" Lorelai thanks her. "Ugh, I hate having a cold" Lorelai says.

"I know you do" Rory sighs. "It's bad enough being sick, but anybody can have a cold" Lorelai explains. "I know they can" Rory replies.

""I-I-I mean, I'd like to have a good illness, something different, impressive. Just once I'd like to be able to say, yeah I'm not feeling so good. My leg is haunted" Lorelai adds.

"See, there's a reason why you only take one packet of TheraFlu at a time" Victoria tells her. "Yeah, yeah, yeah" Lorelai says.

"Pancaked, one fried egg, side of bacon. French toast, both sausage and bacon" Luke says handing the twins their food. "Chicken noodle soup, side of mashed potatoes" he hands Lorelai hers. "Thank you" Victoria says.

"Thanks Luke" Rory thanks him.

"Thanks" Lorelai says. "How's the cold coming?" Luke asks her.

"It's fine" Lorelai answers. "Any better?" Luke asks. "It's fine" Lorelai repeats.

"That's the third day in a row you've ordered soup for breakfast" Luke points out.

"Oh, thanks for the tally" Lorelai says. "You know what helps get rid of a cold?" Luke asks.

"Endless, vague questioning first thing in the morning?" Lorelai asks him. "A healthy immune system" Luke tells her. "My second guess" Lorelai says.

"You know how you get a healthy immune system?" Luke asks.

"Remember when you hated me? That was fun, wasn't it?" Lorelai replies. "Is it eating nothing but crap all day and blowing out your brain cells with coffee?" Luke asks.

"No" Victoria chimes in. "That's right, no" Luke responds. "Why are you helping him?" Lorelai asks her daughter.

"No seemed like the right answer" Victoria answers innocently.

"If you eat a vegetable now and then, maybe some high fiber cereal in the morning" Luke says. "Listen, grandpa, my soups getting cold" Lorelai tells him.

"At least eat the carrots in the soup this time, not just the noodles" Luke replies. "I promise" Lorelai says successfully making Luke walk away. "Eat my carrots" she tells her daughters.

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