Act 4 ch 14

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"Woah, that's a lot of fabric" Rory walks in her dorm to see her sister sitting sitting in the common room sewing.

"Assignment that I thought we be fun quickly turned stressful, I have to design and make six bridesmaids dresses. All same color so they match but all also have to be different actual shapes and designs so they aren't identical" Victoria tells her. "How long have you been sewing?" Rory asks.

"Uh, not sure" Victoria answers. "Three hours straight" Janet chimes in. "Take a break" Rory takes the needle out of her sisters hand.

"Hey" Victoria complains.

"Your fingers will thank me" Rory insists. "Oh good, you're all here so we can clear this up. I found this lying around, and it must belong to one of you because who else would have clothing here?" Paris walks out of her bedroom.

"I ask you" she laughs knowing the answer. "Anyone? Anyone?" Paris holds up Janet's boyfriend's jersey. "Paris" Janet says.

"Anyone?" Paris asks again.

"Paris" Janet repeats. "You know maybe I misspoke. It may not be a shirt" Paris says.

"Anyone lose a car cover? Anyone?" she asks. "Anyone?" Paris keeps going. "Leave it alone, Paris" Victoria tells her as Janet grabs the jersey.

"I'm just trying to find a nice way to tell her that her behemoth boyfriend is getting a little too comfortable around here. And I speak for everyone" Paris insists.

"Leave me out of this" Rory says. "Me too, please" Victoria adds.

"I just don't want to walk into our bathroom and find him sitting on the john shooting up steroids" Paris defends herself. "He does not take steroids" Janet stands up for her boyfriend. "You mean that unsightly girth is nature given? He must curse god nightly" Paris replies.

"Enough" Victoria gets aggravated listening to this.

"And the shirt. Stick a pile in it, and Cirque du Soleil could start selling tickets" Paris keeps going. "He's big, Paris. She got it" Victoria says.

"And why does he have his name written on the back? So it's easy to check when he forgets it?" Paris makes a dumb jock joke. "Yeah, because it's so easy to read something off your back" Victoria replies. "That's true, if he checks it while he's wearing it he'd have to look in a mirror and then he'd probably think his name was Dlobeelk and get confused all over again" Paris says.

"Bitter little woman" Janet responds.

"If he's gonna continue being an unwelcome guest in our place I emphasize the word our, keep him penned in your room" Paris tells her. "Jealousy doesn't become you, Paris" Janet says.

"What jealousy?" Paris asks. "Break it up guys" Victoria tries stopping them. "How come Victoria's allowed to bring Tristan over but I can't have my boyfriend?" Janet asks them.

"Woah, why am I being attacked?" Victoria asks shocked

"You're not, I'm just pointing out Paris' hypocrisy" Janet replies. "I've known Tristan since kindergarten, he's not a slob or a junkie" Paris tells her.

"You're so bitter about ruining things with your boyfriend you can't stand seeing me with mine" Janet accuses. "Oh please" Paris scoffs. "Yeah, why don't you go sit all alone in your room so you can start getting used to how the rest of your life's gonna be" Janet tells her.

"I'm not alone" Paris defends herself.

"Oh, really? Who do you have besides your poster of Noam Chomsky?" Janet asks her. "Who do I have?" Paris asks.

"Yeah" Janet says. "...That's what I thought. Very sad" Janey goes to her bedroom after Paris can't name anyone.


Victoria's trying on dresses when someone knocks on the dorm door.

"It's unlocked!" she yells. As Tristan opens the door walking in Victoria walks into the common room to see who it was.

"Oh, hi" she smiles walking over to him. "Woah" Tristan takes in the way his girlfriend looks in that dress. "Where'd this come from?" he grabs her waist pulling her close.

"My bridesmaids assignment, I told you about this" Victoria replies.

"Wait, so you made this?" Tristan asks her. "Yeah" Victoria nods.

"Any bride would kill you if you showed up to her wedding outshining her like this" Tristan tells her. "Shut up" Victoria bites her lip trying to hide that she's blushing. "Come on, give me a little spin" Tristan grabs her hand and spins her.

Victoria laughs as Tristan spins her then pulls her so her back is against his chest and wraps his arms around her waist hugging her from behind.

"You're an idiot" she laughs. "You're gorgeous" Tristan kisses her shoulder.


Janet's doing sit ups in the floor while Victoria and Tristan sit on the couch watching tv when Rory walks in.

"Hey, Janet. Could you stop sit upping for a sec?" Rory asks coming over to sit on a chair. "I'm done. What's up?" Janet sits normally.

"Well, Paris-" Rory starts. "Ugh, do not talk to me about Paris" Janet says annoyed after having Paris start yet another fight that night. Getting up off the floor Janet moves to sit next to Victoria on the couch.

"Yeah, I know she said some controlling things" Rory says

"What a tremendous shock" Tristan says sarcastically. "Yeah. And then there was something else too" Rory tells them.

"Something I'm a little mad she dragged you guys into" she adds. "What'd she drag us into?" Victoria asks pausing the tv. "Well, she said that you guys thought it was time for Lane to move out. Which is weird because Lane has been practically invisible, and I know you especially love Lane as much as I do" Rory explains.

"I do love her" Victoria agrees nodding.

" is a little weird" she adds. "It is?" Rory asks.

"There's just barely enough space for us let alone another person" Janet says. "I know" Rory replies. "You'd probably all get in trouble if administration found out" Tristan points out.

"Would we?" Rory asks.

"She doesn't go here, staying a couple nights is one thing but moving in? They won't let that slide" Tristan explains. "Oh" Rory says.

"You know I want what's best for Lane, but I don't think this is it. She has to face her mom eventually" Victoria tells her sister. "So you want her to go home?" Rory asks. "I don't know, it's all weird. It'd be different if it were my own house but here we have roommates and school rules and stuff like that" Victoria answers.

"And you've all talked about this?" Rory asks them.

"A little, you know I'm bad with confrontation" Victoria replies. "Personally, I'd vote Paris our over Lane in a heartbeat but Paris goes here" Janet chimes in.

"I see" Rory nods. "Are you mad?" Victoria asks. "No, no. Carry on" Rory goes to her bedroom.

"I feel bad" Victoria sighs.

"Me too" Janet agrees. "You guys didn't do anything wrong, this couldn't go on forever" Tristan assures them.

"She's my best friend" Victoria says. "And that's not gonna change. It's Lane, she'll understand" Tristan insists.


Writing thousand word chapters for this due to spending all my time energy creativity and motivation to write four thousand word chapters for a book that's not even released 💀 I need to figure out my priorities

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