Act 3 ch 19

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"Ugh. And wuss patrol, halt" Lorelai says as her and the twins walk into Luke's with their giant backpacks on for their Europe trip.

They thought it would be a good idea to get used to walking with them ahead of time. "Ohh. I've never known such pain, we are so not walking around Europe with those annoying things on our backs" Victoria takes her backpack off.

Yep, one walk to Luke's and she's over it. "But we're backpacking through Europe, how are we gonna do this without backpacks?" Rory asks. "All the time we talked about backpacking, I never actually pictured us with backpacks" Lorelai replies.

"What were you picturing?" Victoria asks her.

"Spry, accommodating European men with neat mustaches trailing after us, carrying our luggage, hailing taxicabs, and constantly reminding us how beautiful we are" Lorelai explains. "No, it's just the three of us humping our backpacks around" Rory says.

"Well, at least my new walking shoes are all broken in...if you count broken skin, broken toes" Lorelai takes off her shoes. "Don't do that" Luke says walking over to her. "Don't do what?" Lorelai asks.

"Don't take your shoes off. This is a restaurant" Luke tells her.

"I don't see a no shirt, no shoes, no service sign" Lorelai responds. "It's right here. Don't do that" Luke points to himself.

"We're in pain, Luke" Rory defends her mother. "But it's great that you guys are bearing it so nobly, and can you move these?" Luke asks gesturing to their bags. "Can? No" Victoria answers.

"Would if we could? Debatable" Lorelai adds.

Luke easily picks up all three of their bags and moves them. "Look at that, spry and accommodating" Victoria points out.

"Hey, would you grow a mustache and follow us around Europe?" Lorelai asks Luke. "Sorry, I got travel plans of my own" Luke replies. "Really?" Victoria asks shocked to hear that Luke Danes is taking a vacation.

"Yep, I'm closing the diner down for a couple of weeks and taking Nicole on a little trip" Luke explains.

"Fun" Rory says. "We're driving through Western Canada and then taking a cruise up to Alaska" Luke continues.

"A cruise?" Victoria asks shocked. Just trying to picture Luke on a cruise felt impossible. "Intimate" Lorelai says looking away trying to hide her jealousy.

"I guess. Is it?" Luke asks.

"The love boat" Lorelai sings. "What?" Luke asks even more confused.

"A cruise is a good spot to get down on one knee" Lorelai tells him. "And do my ventriloquist act?" Luke asks. "And propose" Victoria clarifies.

"I have no plans to propose" Luke insists.

"You don't now, but after you've had dinner at captain Stubing's table and Isaac served you up a couple of mojitos..." Lorelai trails off. "Romantic cruises say commitment, my friend" Rory tells Luke.

"I am not committing, and I'm not proposing, so drop it" Luke tells the girls. "Okay. It's dropped" Lorelai says. "Really drop it" Luke tells her.

"Did I not just say, it's dropped?" Lorelai asks.

"I heard it with my own ears" Victoria nods. "Thank you" Luke says.

"The love boat" Lorelai sings again. Luke gives her a look. "If you'd get a radio in here, I wouldn't have to do that" Lorelai tells him.

"Okay, so your graduation is Wednesday at four correct?" Luke asks turning to the twins.

Luke was going to their graduation, not Christopher, Luke. "You know you really don't have to go to it Luke" Rory tells him.

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