Act 6 ch 12

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"How can you possibly say she looked better with the dark hair?" Lorelai asks at Friday night dinner.

"She did the blonde just seemed like she was trying to be her sister" Rory replies. "The dark hair makes it look like she's trying not to look like her, plus she does not have the nose for dark hair" Lorelai insists.

"What does that mean?" Rory asks. "Dark hair is like a giant light-up arrow pointing to what is wrong with you. Blond hair, it all sort of blends in in a haze of beige" Lorelai explains. "Nuts, you're nuts" Rory tells her.

"You're double nuts" Lorelai yells back.

"All right, that's it. No more spaghetti and meatballs" Emily says. "Musepa, come get these plates" she tells the maid.

"Grandma" Victoria complains. "Every time we have spaghetti and meatballs, they fight" Emily tells her. "No, no, we're not fighting. We're just, uh, bonding" Lorelai insists.

"Mmm! Grandma, I'm starving" Rory starts eating.

"Take all the plates away" Emily tells the maid. "Grandma come on, I wasn't even fighting" Victoria says when her plate is taken.

"No. Spaghetti and meatballs is just too much excitement" Emily says. "I'm sorry about that. I left work early today, and apparently, that caused everyone's I.Q.S to drop 60 points" Richard walks in. "My food is gone" he notices.

"They were fighting" Victoria sighs.

"I told you not to serve spaghetti and meatballs. They always fight when we have spaghetti and meatballs" Richard turns to his wife. "That's not true" Lorelai tells him.

"We fight just as much when we have Chinese food" Rory points out. "Can we please talk about something besides food?" Emily asks. "Starvation, scurvy, the Donner party" Victoria lists.

"I'm having Lasik surgery on my eyes" Emily mentions.

"Excellent topic" Richard says. "More like my biggest fear" Victoria mumbles.

"Lasik surgery?" Lorelai asks her mother. "Well I hate wearing glasses, so I found the best doctor on the east coast, made an appointment, and I'm going in tomorrow" she explains. "Personally, I like you with glasses" Richard tells his wife.

"It's that whole dirty librarian thing, right, dad?" Lorelai asks.

"I beg your pardon" Richard replies. "Three of the girls in my D.A.R. Group had it done already. I'm actually very excited about it" Emily brushes them off.

"I got Dr. Morris..." she starts. "The Lasik man" Richard chimes in. "...from Dr. Sugarman, who's my ear, nose, and throat man. And he said Dr. Morris is brilliant and very, very handsome" Emily continues.

"You never told me this" Richard says.

"He just threw it in at the end of the visit" Emily tells him. "I think that's incredibly unprofessional" Richard responds.

"Oh, Richard, he just was saying the man is handsome" Emily says. "Yes, as if it's a selling point" Richard complains. "It can be" Victoria shrugs.

"Hardly. Everyone knows ugly men make the best doctors" Richard insists.

"That's absurd" Emily scoffs. "It's a fact" Richard responds.

"Marcus Welby was handsome and George Clooney" Emily tells him. "Fake doctors, mom" Lorelai points out. "I'm sure they were modeled after real doctors" Emily replies.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore" Richard says.

"He's jealous of Dr. Handsome" Lorelai comments. "I'm not jealous of Dr. Handsome" Richard disagrees.

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