Act 5 ch 14

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"This feels so decadent. Isn't this decadent?" Emily asks as dinner.

"Very decadent. Are there more marshmallows?" Victoria asks. "All you have been dipping is the marshmallows! You haven't touched the kiwi, or the pineapple, or the tangelo slices" Emily points out.

"But it's fruit" Rory explains. "Fruit is good for you" Emily tells her. "We're fondue purists, Grandma" Victoria says.

"Yeah, we dip old school" Lorelai adds.

"The government says you should have nine servings of fruit and vegetables per day" Emily disagrees. "Imperialist propaganda" Victoria comments.

"I think Noam Chomsky would agree" Rory says. "I bet Noam doesn't dip fruit" Lorelai replies. "Or laugh. Ever seen that punim on him?" Victoria asks.

"Easter Island" Lorelai responds.

"Luminista, please bring more marshmallows" Emily requests. "Bless you" Victoria smiles.

"So, I'd love to get your opinion on something" Emily tells them. "Sure" Rory nods. "The City Ballet is in trouble. We've given so much over the years, but it's never enough to cover everything they need" Emily starts.

"I hate that" Victoria says.

"So, we're trying something new. Select patrons, such as myself, are sponsoring individual dancers" Emily continues. "Help me pick one" she opens up a blue folder next to her and hands the girls cards out of it.

"Pick what?" Lorelai asks. "My dancer! I get to take one home" Emily answers. "Bios are on the back" she tells them.

"And this is legal?" Victoria asks worried.

"Of course it's legal" Emily assures her. "Do you want a boy or a girl, Grandma?" Rory asks.

"I'm thinking a little girl. Cute and petite" Emily answers. "They're all petite" Victoria points out. "But not all cute. This one should fouetter over to the dermatologist" Lorelai pulls out a picture.

"Stop, you're being cruel" Victoria tells her.

"Perhaps she it, but she's also right. I'd rather not look at that" Emily replies. "Really, Grandma, this is a little bit creepy" Victoria says.

"It's not creepy" Emily insists. "We're endowing dancers so that they don't have to worry about money. It's nice" she continues. "Well, Gregorio here looks pretty well-endowed already" Lorelai hands Rory a card.

"Here's a little cutie patootie" Rory hands the card she was already looking at to Victoria.

"Oh, she is cute" Victoria agrees. "Whoa, you were right! This Gregorio guy, what's up with that?" Rory looks at the picture Lorelai have her.

"Rory" Emily says. "Just a little girl talk, Grandma. I still feel weird about this but if I gotta look I'm looking at everything" Victoria tells her. "Let's make two piles. One for the maybes, one for the nos" Emily suggests.

"Sandpaper face is a no?" Lorelai asks.

"Definitely" Emily confirms. "What about Endowment Boy?" Victoria asks her.

"The maybes" Emily decides. "You go, Grandma" Rory says. "I bet Gregorio would be good dipped in chocolate" Victoria comments causing Lorelai and Rory to laugh.

Emily gives Victoria a disapproving look.

"Sorry" Victoria apologizes with a slight laugh.


"I don't know, adopting a ballet dancer? The whole thing sounds a little shady" Victoria says helping transfer boxes from Rory's to Lorelai's car since Rory's going to be going home for the Summer.

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