Act 6 ch 4

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At Rich Man's Shoe a folk singer is on the stage singing while Tristan, Victoria, Rory, Logan, Finn, Colin, Rosemary and Juliet are sitting at a table, the boys very drunk while the girls except for Victoria have had a couple drink but are still sober for the most part.

"Met her" Finn perks up reconfirm the song. "Cool. A girl-on-girl thing" Colin says as the song goes "there I took her life".

"It's a snuff film" Tristan comments "A lesbian snuff film" Finn corrects him before the singer repeats the last couple of verses. "A redundant lesbian snuff film. How INXS missed her, I don't know" Colin says.

"Raise a glass to INXS" Logan says drunk.

"My countrymen, I'm less than proud to say" Finn says. "I cannot, cannot believe they've reinstated folk night at my beloved pub. It's a travesty" Tristan complains.

"Is there any alcohol left in the state of Connecticut that's not inside them?" Victoria asks. "I doubt it" Rosemary laughs. "So, boys, another round?" Tristan asks.

"Posthaste. Barkeep" Colin calls out.

"You've hardly touched the drink in front of you" Victoria tells Tristan. "Ah, but I'm anticipating. You don't wait till the drink's done to order another" he explains.

"That's for amateurs" Tristan says. "Right. I forgot you went pro" Victoria replies. "So, boys, boys, when is the Life & Death Brigade going out again? We have been remiss" Logan asks.

"I have ideas. Big ideas" Tristan starts.

"Potentially harmful ideas" he continues. "Pretty college girls on the premises, I repeat pretty college girls on the premises" Finn says.

Victoria looks down laughing at Finn. "Hayley?" Tristan says recognizing one of the girls. Victoria's head almost instantly snaps in her direction.

"Hey" Hayley smiles walking over with two of her friends.

"You know them?" Colin asks. "I know one" Tristan replies.

"Well have the pretty girls sit. Please, sit, sit, sit" Finn says as he and Colin squeeze into the circular booth leaving room for one of the girls to go next them while Hayley and the other sit in the chairs Finn and Colin were in at the end of the table. Hayley right next to Tristan. "Can I talk to you?" Victoria asks him.

"About what?" Tristan asks.

"Come on" Victoria grabs his arm leading him to the bathroom. "What?" Tristan asks once she closes the door.

"Did you know she was coming?" Victoria asks him. "No" Tristan answers honestly. "Did she know you were?" Victoria asks.

"How am I supposed to know what she knows?" Tristan replies.

"Well did you tell her?" Victoria asks him. "I don't know, I-I may have mentioned it" Tristan says trying to remember.

"May have?" Victoria asks. "She asked what I was doing tonight, I told her" Tristan shrugs "I knew it" Victoria scoffs.

"Knew what?" Tristan asks her.

"She likes you" Victoria says in a duh tone. "No she doesn't" Tristan shakes his head.

"You tell her you're coming here, then all of a sudden she shows up. Don't be blind" Victoria insists. "Maybe she just likes coming here, it's a great place" Tristan disagrees. "She's never even been here before" Victoria replies.

"How do you know?" Tristan asks her.

"How many times have we been her? How many times have we seen her?" Victoria asks. "We're not here 24/7, she could've easily been here when we weren't" Tristan insists.

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