Chapter 6

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At Emily and Richard's house, the Gilmore twins are sitting at the dinner table with their mother and grandparents for another Friday night dinner.

"Tomorrow our lawyer Joseph Stanford is coming by" Emily says. "Ugh, crazy Sissy's dad" Lorelai comments.

"That's terrible, Sissy was a good friend of yours" Emily replies. "Mom, Sissy talked to her stuffed animals and they answered her" Lorelai tells her mother. "Let's just start a new topic" Victoria suggests not wanting another Friday night dinner to break out into a fight especially over something that doesn't even matter.

"You're impossible" Emily says to Lorelai.

"She said a new topic mom" Lorelai says to her mom. "Everything's a joke, everyone's a punch line." Emily complains.

"Okay, I'm sorry" Lorelai says. "My daughter, Henny Youngman" Emily says. "Sorry for that, a little trouble in our China office" Richard says entering the dining room.

"Well, what did I miss?" he asks his family.

"I was being impossible, and then I turned into a Jewish comedian" Lorelai tells her father. "Ah, we'll continue" Richard says.

"Thank you, where was I?" Emily asks. "Uh, Joseph Stanford is coming tomorrow" Rory says. "Yes, so Rory, Victoria your grandfather and I thought it might be nice for the two of you to go around the house and pick out what you'd like us to leave you in our will" Emily tells the twins.

"Take a look at the desk in my office, it's a really fine georgian piece" Richard tells them.

"Why don't I ever being a tape recorder to these dinners?" Lorelai asks herself. "Oh, well whatever you want to leave us is fine" Victoria tells her grandparents.

"Nonsense, you should have what you like. So just look around, if you see something you like stick a post it on it" Emily tells her. "Okay, you two have officially hit a level of weird that even I marvel at" Lorelai says. "You can pick out thing too you know" Emily tells her.

"Oh, well now it's way less creepy" Lorelai says.

"Do you hear that Richard? Apparently we're creepy" Emily tells her husband. "Yes, well live and learn" he replies.

"Oh cool" Rory says seeing dessert being brought out. "What's that?" Lorelai asks. "It's dessert" Emily tells her.

"It's pudding" Lorelai says.

"Well if you knew what it was why did you ask?" Emily asks. "You don't like pudding" Lorelai states.

"Yes, but you like pudding" Emily says. "Oh, I love pudding. I worship it, I have a bowl up on the mantle at home with the virgin Mary, a glass of wine, and a dollar bill next to it" Lorelai says. "I've never had pudding from a crystal bowl before" Victoria says.

"You like the bowl?" Emily asks, "Put a post it on it when you're done" she says after Victoria nods.


"So what do we think of this?" Lorelai asks as her and the twins look around the house deciding what they want.

"Where would we put it?" Victoria asks. "I don't know, the Emily and Richard Gilmore psycho museum?" Lorelai says.

""This is the strangest evening I've ever spent here" Rory says. "Yeah" Victoria agrees. "So, how are we doing?" Emily asks checking on them.

"Great, just getting ready for the big day" Lorelai says.

"Very nice" Emily says. "So i'm, it's getting late mom. Unless you've got some funeral plots for us to decorate we should really get going" Lorelai says.

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