Act 2 ch 21

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"Where is this place?" Victoria asks walking down the street with her mother and sister.

"It's not far" Lorelai answers. "You've been saying that for miles" Rory tells her.

"It has not been miles" Lorelai denies. "My feet are sore" Victoria complains. "Hey, Tonto, when did you become older than me?" Lorelai jokes.

"Just tell me what this new breakfast place is and then Ill be quiet" Victoria shrugs.

"It's an amazing place that I found and that's all I'm telling you" Lorelai replies. "Just tell me if it's in this town or the next?" Rory asks.

"We don't patronize the next town" Lorelai answers. "Since when?" Victoria asks her. "I don't know, didn't they feed lead to our jumping frog or something?" Lorelai asks.

"Oh yeah, right after they stoned the woman who won the lottery" Rory jokes.

"See? So the boycott's legit" Lorelai says. "Hey, wait! Stop" Lane yells running up behind them.

"Oh look, it's Michael Landon" Lorelai jokes. "Oh my god, you guys walk fast. I've been chasing you for the past two blocks" Lane tells them. "Hey, we were being followed" Victoria says.

"I told you I wasn't just being paranoid, maybe next time you'll take me seriously when I tell you the furniture moved itself" Lorelai replies.

"Where are you guys going?" Lane asks. "Mystery breakfast" Rory answers her.

"Out of town?" Lane asks them. "Does no one remember the definition of mystery?" Lorelai asks. "Sorry, I was just wondering if it's okay to practice on your pots and pans again this morning" Lane says.

"It's not like they have any other use" Lorelai replies.

"Thanks, I've almost nailed Ramble On. I just have to stop hitting my face with the sticks when I pull my arms back" Lane tells them. "John Bingham had that same problem" Victoria jokes.

"Keys in the turtle" Lorelai says. "Enjoy your mystery breakfast" Lane says before walking away. "Come on, it's not much farther" Lorelai tells her daughters.

"We're not heading toward any businesses of any kind" Rory points out.

"What?" Victoria asks when Lorelai stops walking. "We have arrived" Lorelai answers.

"Arrived where? Oh, you are without shame" Rory says realizing where they are.


"Sookie, you did not have to do this" Victoria says eating breakfast in Sookie's kitchen.

"What do you mean? Feeding my girls, making them happy, I love doing this" Sookie replies. "Yeah, so feel the love and pass the salt" Lorelai says.

"It makes me feel guilty" Rory tells them. "Eating can help you drown that" Lorelai says. "Yeah, eat, eat. I'm gonna eat" Sookie says sitting down.

"Jeez, can the help sit at the table too?" Rory asks jokingly.

"As long as they don't sing fold songs or tell bawdy stories" Victoria says. "Hey, what's with narcoleptic Nate over there?" Lorelai asks about Jackson.

"He's not much of a morning person" Sookie answers. "mhughmmm" Jackson groans. "Now say, I can't believe I ate the whole thing" Lorelai says.

"It takes him about an hour to become Jackson" Sookie tells her.

"Ooh hey, I had a good idea for the wedding" Lorelai mentions. "Cool" Sookie says.

"Instead of those little wrapped things with jordan almonds at every place setting, what if we wrap up a few aspirin?" Lorelai suggests. "Aspirin?" Victoria questions. "For the morning after hangovers" Lorelai explains.

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