Act 2 ch 14

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"But my question is how did that happen? How was it that suddenly everyone in the world was saying music has charms to sooth the savage beast when it was written breast?" Lorelai asks walking down the street with her daughters.

"I don't know, at some point someone misspoke and it just caught on" Victoria answers. "How do things like that catch on?" Lorelai asks.

"Mom, please you're driving me crazy" Rory tells her. "Maybe some guy like said it at a big rally of some sort and everyone when home and started saying it that way and it just spread from there" Victoria suggests. "Yes, exactly" Rory agrees.

"Oh, now you're just trying to shut me up" Lorelai complains as they walk into Luke's.

"Oh, my god" Victoria says when they walk in. "What?" Rory asks.

"Look" Victoria says. "Wow. Empty" Rory notices. "Just one of those weird lulls. Happens occasionally" Luke tells them.

"Can we sit wherever we like?" Rory asks.

"Wherever you like" Luke answers. "Wow" Rory replies.

"Such luxury I never dreamed of" Lorelai says. "Where do you want to sit?" Victoria asks. "I don't know. Um, how about this table with its unobstructed westward view of the wide, cosmopolitan expanse of clump street" Lorelai suggests.

"Tempting" Rory nods.

"Do you know that on a clear day you can see all the way to the garbage cans behind Al's pancake world?" Victoria points out. "Hm. Or we could sit in the corner, you know the mafia table, so that no one can come up behind you and whack you with a cannoli" Lorelai suggests.

"Whack you with a cannoli?" Rory asks. "Because he left the gun and took the cannoli" Victoria tells her. "You are so my daughter" Lorelai smiles.

"Hey, let's sit at the counter" Victoria suggests.

"No, the counter, those are not the power seats" Rory disagrees. "Yes, but with no one here, we can sit at either end and play bagel hockey" Victoria explains.

"Ooh, bagel hockey! Oh, boy" Rory says. "Just sit at a table" Luke tells them. "Oh, you're awfully rude for a guy who only has three paying customers" Lorelai says as they go to sit down.

"Okay, 3:30 on Friday, my debate at Chilton. Write it down" Rory tells them.

"Already written" Lorelai replies. "Good" Rory says.

"You prepared?" Victoria asks. "Please. Paris has us beyond prepared" Rory answers. "I now know more about doctor assisted suicide than I ever cared too" she says before Luke's phone rings.

"Cherry topic" Lorelai says sarcastically.

"It's for you" Luke says after answering the phone. "What?" Victoria asks.

"Yep" Luke confirms. "Who knows we're here?" Rory asks. "This whole morning has been a little twilight zone-y" Victoria says.

"Or outer limits-y" Luke replies.

"What?" Lorelai asks. "Great show, just as eerie, same era, but no one ever references it" Luke answers.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't speak geek" Lorelai responds. "Yep stepped right into it" Luke says. "Hello?" Victoria answers the phone.

"Victoria?" Lane asks.

"Lane? How did you know I was here?" Victoria asks back. "Telescope. I've got a clean shot at Luke's" Lane answers.

"I saw you guys go in" she explains. "So I guess you're still grounded over that whole Henry thing huh?" Victoria asks. "Are you kidding? It's the mother of all groundings" Lane answers.

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