Act 2 ch 9

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"I'm back!" Lorelai calls out entering her house.

"Kitchen!" Victoria yells back. "Okay I couldn't make up my mind so I got The Shining and Bringing Up Baby. Now I know what you're thinking, one's a movie about a homicidal parent and the other one's- hello" Lorelai says getting to the kitchen to she her daughters and Sookie all standing suspiciously.

"Hi" Sookie waves. "Hi mom" Rory says. "What'd you break?" Lorelai asks.

"Nothing, well the broiler but this came for you and Max" Sookie says showing her a gift that showed up.

"We're thinking it's a wedding present" Victoria tells her mother. "Lorelai Gilmore and Max Medina, well guess news doesn't always travel fast" Lorelai says reading the note.

"Are you gonna open it?" Victoria asks. "Nope" Lorelai instantly replies. "But aren't you curious?" Sookie asks her.

"No, just leave it there. I'll take it back tomorrow" Lorelai answers.

"But there's not a return address" Rory tells her. "Well isn't there a card?" Lorelai asks.

"Nope" Victoria answers. "Maybe there's one inside" Rory suggests. "With the return address on it, but that means you would have to open it to find add" Victoria adds.

"Fine give me a knife" Lorelai gives in as Rory grabs her a knife.

"This is so exciting... maybe not" Sookie says seeing the look Lorelai's giving her. "An ice-cream maker!" Victoria gasps when Lorelai opens the present.

"A muss lussino 480" Sookie says. "Somebody sent me a fascist ice-cream maker?" Lorelai asks. "Italian design, stainless steel body, chrome finish" Sookie describes the ice-cream maker.

"And no card, perfect" Lorelai sighs.

"Jackson just got in his apple crop, we can make cider ice cream" Sookie suggests. "Yes we can, using his ice cream make but il duce here is going back" Lorelai replies.

"To where?" Rory asks. "Maybe it's an orphan and we'd be giving it a home" Victoria says. "Okay once again I bring up the fact that this is a wedding present and as I am not getting married, neither God's law nor Emily Post allows me to keep this" Lorelai responds.

"But isn't there a rule about late presents?" Rory asks.

"Like if it arrives after a certain date the giver forfeits all rights of return" Sookie says. "Exactly" Rory agrees.

"Nice try" Lorelai replies not believing them. "It's true, if it arrives after ten weeks-" Victoria starts. "Eight" Rory corrects her.

"Eight, eight weeks. That you don't have to return it" Victoria tells her mother.

"Okay, clearly this is shaping up to be one of those moments that St. Peter's gonna show on the big video screen when I die and I for one do not want to see the four of us staggering around with cider ice cream slathered all over our faces well my souls hangs in the balance. Until I can find out who sent this no one goes near it and we're watching the shining" Lorelai says before leaving the room. "I bet Max would let us keep it" Sookie tells the twins.


"Well well we'll look who's back from suspension" Louise says talking to Madeline, Paris, and Rory while Kaiden, Tristan, Duncan, and Bowman stand down the hall.

"Kaiden got suspended again?" Rory asks. "Oh like you hadn't noticed he'd been gone" Paris comments.

"What'd he do?" Rory asks the group. "He took apart Mr McCaffey's car and put it back together in the science building hallway" Madeline tells her. "You're kidding" Rory says.

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