Chapter 17

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Apparently Dean had broken up with Rory so the next morning Rory dragged Lorelai and Victoria out of bed at 6:00 am on a Saturday.

"Hello, did you rearrange the furniture?" Lorelai asks walking into the kitchen where her daughters are. "Yes" Rory answers.

"Good, cause for a minute there I thought we were having a problem with decorator elves and I was gonna have to call an exterminator and tent the place" Lorelai jokes. "So was there any reason you suddenly felt the need to move around large pieces of furniture first thing in the morning?" Victoria asks her sister. "I was up, it was there" Rory answers.

"Okay, good thought process" Victoria replies.

"Now I noticed that you didn't move the tv though" Lorelai says. "It was too heavy" Rory explains.

"Right, okay. Well I like this, yeah this is good. Now of course when the sofa actually faced the tv it made it a little easier to watch but you know this is good too. It'll be um, you know like the radio" Lorelai says. "You ready to go?" Rory asks. "Yeah, I am. Just one quick sec. Um why don't you uh could you put the pen down?" Lorelai asks her.

"I'm just finishing the list" Rory replies.

"Yes, we see. And as much as we love your list let's just uh finish this particular one in a little while, okay?" Victoria suggests. "Okay" Rory says putting down the pen.

"Rory, I'm concerned about you. I wish you would talk to me" Lorelai tells her. "I don't want to deal with it right now, I can't deal with it right now" Rory responds. "Fair enough, but listen I've had my heart broken before. It's really hard. It's hard for everyone, so can I give you a little advice?" Lorelai asks.

"Okay" Rory agrees.

"I think what you really need to do today is wallow" Lorelai suggests. "Wallow?" Rory questions.

"Oh yeah, get back in your pajamas, go to bed, eat nothing but gallons of ice cream and tons of pizza, don't take a shower or shave your legs or out on any kind of makeup at all and just sit in the dark and watch a really sad movie and have a good long cry and just wallow" Victoria explains. "No" Rory replies. "Rory, your first love is intense and your first breakup even more intense. Shoving it away and ignoring it while you make lists isn't gonna help" Lorelai tells her.

"I don't want to wallow" Rory insists.

"Try it, for one day" Victoria suggests. "No" Rory rejects.

"One day of pizza and pajamas, I'll rent love story, and the champ, an affair to remember, Ishtar" Lorelai starts listing movies. "I don't want to be that kind of girl" Rory tells her. "The kind of girl who watches Ishtar?" Victoria asks.

"The kind of girl who just falls apart because she doesn't have a boyfriend" Rory explains.

"That description hardly applies to you" Lorelai tells her. "It will if I wallow" Rory says.

"Not true" Victoria denies. "So I used to have a boyfriend and now I don't, okay that's just the way it is. I mean sitting in the dark eating junk food and not shaving my legs isn't gonna change that is it?" Rory asks. "No" Lorelai answers.

"Okay, so I don't even want to go there. I have things to do. I have school and Harvard to think about" Rory says.

"Honey, Harvard's like three years away" Victoria reminds her sister. "But now is the time to be preparing for it. I mean Harvard is hard to get into and I don't know why I even spend my time thinking about anything else" Rory replies.

"Because you have a pulse and you are not the president of the audiovisual club" Lorelai responds. "I'm sixteen I have the rest of my life to have a boyfriend, I should be keeping my eye on the prize right now" Rory says. "I admire your attitude" Victoria comments.

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