Act 5 ch 9

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"Hey" Rory says as Lorelai and Victoria walk out of Richard and Emily's backyard.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Victoria asks her. "Friday night dinner, is it not Friday night dinner?" Rory asks.

"No. I mean, yes but I thought you had a thing" Victoria clarifies. "Oh, well it wasn't a for sure thing" Rory shrugs. "You made it sound for sure" Lorelai tells her.

"It was a maybe thing, and now it's a nothing" Rory says trying not to sound too disappointed.

"Oh, you look disappointed" Victoria says. "I don't wanna talk about it" Rory tells her.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Lorelai asks. "No" Rory answers. "Okay, not even gonna tell me who the guy is?" Lorelai asks her.

"He's no one. Forget it" Rory says.

"Okay, well the mystery of the Gilmore dinners continues" Victoria tells her. "Meaning?" Rory asks.

"The pool house is empty" Victoria replies. "Grandpa forgot about us again?" Rory asks shocked. "Yes, apparently all the complexes incurred in my childhood were not enough, they need to keep it coming" Lorelai says.

"Did you check on grandma yet?" Rory asks.

"That's where we're going now" Victoria answers. "Is it Marry?" Lorelai asks out of nowhere.

"Uh, forget it mom" Rory tells her. "Okay, but is it?" Lorelai asks. "No" Rory denies as the reach the glass patio doors to the main house.

"Oops. Ooh" Victoria gasps seeing both of her grandparents in there.

"What are they doing together?" Rory asks shocked. "Are they arguing?" Lorelai asks.

"No, well I don't know. They don't look mad" Victoria replies. "Ugh, great. I'm so not in referee mode tonight" Lorelai says. "Grandma just laughed" Rory says when Emily laughs loudly.

"Eh, it could've been an evil laugh. Or an I'm laughing at your pain kind of laugh" Lorelai points out.

"Looked like a plain old laugh to me" Victoria says. "Oh, dad's picking up an ashtray" Lorelai notices.

"He's gonna throw it at her" Victoria gasps. "No, no he's just moving it" Rory tells her. "I don't get it. What is going on?" Lorelai asks.

"I don't-holy! Oh, my god" Victoria says when Richard and Emily start making out.

"My parents are having an affair" Lorelai gasps. "Careful, it might be a trap" Victoria says when Richard and Emily notice them and start walking over.

"What?" Rory asks. "I don't know I'm freaking out" Victoria says before Richard opens the door. "Girls, lovely to see you. Come in, come in, come in" he tells them.

"Hi, you're just in time" Emily puts a hand on Lorelai's arms leading her in.

"For what?" Victoria asks. "A celebration. Ah, champagne perfect" Richard says as the maid walks in carrying a tray of champagne glasses.

"What are we celebrating?" Victoria asks still confused. "Well, shall we tell them?" Richard asks. "They're going to find out sooner or later" Emily says.

"Hm. Alright, then" Richard takes a glass.

"Girls, your grandmother and I have reconciled. We are officially back together" he announces. "Really? Oh, my god" Rory runs over to hug them.

"That's great. I'm so happy" Victoria smiles. "When did this reconciliation happen?" Lorelai asks. "Yesterday" Emily answers.

"And last night. And this morning" Richard rubs her back.

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