Act 6 ch 3

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"So, I heard their was a fire at your mother's inn" Emily says at dinner.

"Oh, yes but it was very small. Only really got the wall behind the stove" Victoria tells her. "That's what I told her" Richard says.

"Well excuse me for wanting more confirmation on something like that. I'm allowed to be worried" Emily replies. "I had already told you everything was fine" Richard reminds her. "And you took your time doing it. You should've told me right away" Emily responds.

"There was nothing to tell" Richard insists.

"You better savor those moments when your baby's still a baby cause once they grow up you'll be left in the dark" Emily turns to Victoria. "Really Grandma, there was no light to be in. Nothing really happened" Victoria replies.

"Whatever you say" Emily says unsure taking a sip of her wine.


"You could've at least mentioned your birthday was coming up" Logan insists sitting in Victoria's apartment with her.

"Why would I randomly say that?" she asks him. "I don't know maybe because I'm dating your twin" Logan replies.

"Okay?" Victoria says. "It's embarrassing that I didn't know it was about to be my own girlfriend's birthday" Logan insists. "Don't blame me, blame Tristan. He was supposed to give you the Gilmore girl's boyfriend handbook" Victoria tells him.

"He prepared me for certain Gilmore quirks, not birthdays" Logan replies.

"Well he should've mentioned birthday's, birthday's are a big deal for us" Victoria tells him. "Should I call and confront him?" Logan pulls out his phone.

"Go for it" Victoria laughs as Logan presses call. "Hey" Tristan answers. "So you didn't think to mention our girls' birthdays or birthday I guess is coming up?" Logan asks him.

"I assumed you knew your own girlfriend's birthday" Tristan laughs from the other side of the call.

Victoria gives Logan an I told you so look. "How was I supposed to know? She never mentioned it either" Logan defends himself.

"She's got a lot going on, I don't think telling you her birthday's coming up is her biggest priority right now" Tristan replies. "Who has a lot going on?" a girls voice shows up. Logan looks at Victoria confused, trying to read her reaction.

"Who's that?" Logan asks.

"Just a friend of mine" Tristan answers. "Who's voice I don't recognize?" Logan asks him.

"It's just Hayley" Tristan replies. "Who the hell is Hayley?" Logan asks. "I told you, a friend" Tristan tells him.

"Since when do you have friends that I don't know?" Logan asks him.

"We have a class together" Tristan explains. "Right" Logan says still suspicious.

"Was that it?" Tristan asks. "Why are you in a rush to get off the phone?" Logan asks him. "Because it's rude to talk on the phone in front of someone" Tristan sighs.

"Fine, fine. Bye" Logan hangs up without letting Tristan say anything else.

"Who the hell is Hayley?" he asks Victoria.


Inevitably Emily insisted on throwing the twins a joint 21st birthday party, resulting in Victoria having to come over for cakes tests.

"You know, when I was turning 21, I somehow got it into my head that I simply had to have my invitations trimmed with real pearls. I could not be convinced that it was at all tacky or impractical" Emily tells them. "I was right, and that was the way it had to be. My mother was beside herself" she continues.

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