Act 7 ch 9

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Standing outside of her mother's house, Victoria takes Jamie out of his car seat while Tristan and Logan grabs the bags and Rory grabs nothing.

"How have you never been here before?" Tristan asks shocked that Rory and Logan have been together for so long and still Logan hasn't been to Stars Hollow, other than to drop a drunk Rory off one night before they even started dating. "There was never a reason to. We met at Yale, our friends out at Yale" Logan replies.

"Well I think you picked a perfect time for your first visit, now you get to say you were Stars Hollow's first hay bale maze" Victoria says as they walk up to the front door. "Okay, here we are. This is the entryway or the foyer if you're feeling fancy or French" Rory says as she walks in. "Wow" Logan looks around.

"What do you mean wow? When you walk into your parents foyer there is a genuine-article Magritte right there and a chandelier the size of a Volkswagen" Rory points out as Logan follows his cousin's lead and puts the bags down right there.

"Hello?" Victoria calls out leaving the foyer and entering the main part of the house. "Are you here?" Lorelai gasps.

"No, we're really far away screaming really loudly" Rory jokes. "Ha ha ha. Hi, hi" Lorelai runs down the stairs. "Welcome, welcome" she instantly takes Jamie out of Victoria's arms.

"How are you, Lorelai?" Logan asks her.

"Good, good. Apparently I saw everything twice now" she answers. "It's charming. Charming" Lorelai says.

"Well, these are for you" Logan hands her a bouquet. "Oh, wow. Thank you" Lorelai says as the same time Tristan mumbles "suck up". "Thank you for having me" Logan smiles.

"Th-they're beautiful, I'll put them in a vase" Loreali says still talking about the flowers.

"They're cymbidium orchids. They're native to the foothills of the Himalayas" Logan tells her. Victoria looks at him weirdly.

"Well isn't that a nice little flower fact" she comments. "It sounds fancy. And they look fancy too" Lorelai starts leading the group to the kitchen.

"Wow" Lorelai looks at the flowers again. "This is a beautiful house" Logan says. "Thank you" Lorelai thanks him.

"Never know what to say when somebody says that. You don't want to agree, but on the other hand it feels weird to disagree with your guest and say no it's a dump, so thank you" she hands Jamie over to Tristan before pulling out a vase.

"It's charming. Charming" Logan jokes.

"Hey, mom, we still get cell reception in here, right?" Rory asks. "Yeah, of course, honey" Lorelai answers.

"Why? Ooh, the job" she asks before quickly realizing. "Yeah, she said she's let me know by today" Rory says sounding worried. "Today's not over. Today's just starting" Logan tries making her feel better.

"I'm sure she's just busy at work, you know?" Victoria says.

"Speaking of which, I should get to work because Michel's mental state is very precarious today" Lorelai tells them. "Yeah, go. We'll be fine" Victoria replies.

"Okay. Um, I circled some stuff in the paper for you though" Lorelai mentions. "You know, so you'd have stuff to do" she explains. "There's some movies, if you feel like going to the movies. And, um, I noticed that the colonial butter churners are having an exhibition at the Antiquarian Society" Lorelai starts listening.

"I thought that can be kind of funny. And, um, then you know, there'll be a lot to do tomorrow with the festival and everything" she continues.

"There will be games and face painting and stuff like that-" Lorelai keeps going. "Mom" Rory eventually cuts her off.

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