Act 4 ch 10

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In the town square Victoria, Lorelai and Rory are walking down the sidewalk.

"It's culs-de-sac" Victoria says. "No way" Lorelai disagrees.

"It is" Rory confirms. "The plural of cul-de-sac is culs-de-sac?" Lorelai asks. "Yes" Victoria insists.

"That doesn't even sound like English" Lorelai says.

"That's because it's French" Rory points out. "You know what I mean" Lorelai replies.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news" Victoria says. "Words should sound right to be right" Lorelai complains. "That's not how it works" Rory tells her.

"So, what, the plural of yo-yo is yos-yo?" Lorelai asks.

"Yeah, 'cause that sounds so natural" Victoria says sarcastically. "As natural as culs-de-sac" Lorelai responds as they walk into Luke's Diner, where Lane is waitressing.

"Hey, when did Lane start working here?" Lorelai asks shocked. "Oh, a couple of days ago. She filled out an application, and Luke brought her in for an interview and everything" Rory answers. "An interview? So official" Lorelai says.

"Yeah. They sat in complete silence for a full five minutes, then Luke said, 'How ya doing?' and she said 'Good,' and then he gave her the job" Victoria explains.

"So what do we get out of this?" Lorelai asks. "What do you mean?" Rory asks confused.

"We got someone on the inside now, a friend of ours" Lorelai answers. "And out of it we could get?" Victoria asks. "The secret things he keeps back there" Lorelai replies.

"His showgirl costume" Rory jokes.

"Wait she may have a point. Think about it, extra jelly packets, butter, discarded day-old bread" Victoria lists. "But we get that when we go dumpster driving" Rory makes another joke.

"This'll be easier on our shoes" Lorelai says as Luke walks over to their table. "Hey, Luke" Victoria greets him. "Look at this" Luke says.

"Who, Lane? She's super waitress, able to leap tall pancakes in a single bound" Lorelai replies.

"You mean pans-cake?" Victoria jokes earning a laugh from her mother and sister while Luke remains panicked. "It's not gonna work out" he says.

"Oh. What, she's so good" Lorelai responds. "She's too good" Luke insists. "Oh, calm down" Lorelai says.

"I'm not even sure why she took the job. I mean, I totally blew the interview" Luke tells them.

"You were nervous" Victoria defends him as Lane walks over. "Hey, guys. You got this, Luke?" Lane asks.

"Yeah, I got it" Luke nods. "Caesar, I need that English muffin" Lane says walking away.


"Hold on!" Victoria yells to no one in particular as she limps with one crutch to her ringing phone.

As she grabs the phone she sits, well more like collapses backwards laying on her bed. "Hello?" Victoria answers.

"Hey" she hears Tristan's voice on the other side of the call. "Hi" Victoria's mood instantly brightens. "Do I bother asking what you're doing or is it safe to assume you're getting ready for Friday night dinner?" Tristan asks her.

"It's 6:00 on a Friday, I'm running behind schedule" Victoria answers.

"Think you're mom would drop you off after? Only a couple blocks away" Tristan asks her. Due to it being winter break both college students are staying at home with their parents.

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