Act 6 ch 1

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"This is a terrible idea" Victoria says in the passenger seat while Tristan drives them to Rory's prison themed surprise party.

"We're all stressed out right now, this can be good. Just get drunk and let all your worries slip away for one night" Tristan tells her. "I can't drink" Victoria reminds him.

"Right. Well then, let our drunk friends distract you" Tristan replies. "Okay" Victoria slightly smiles at him. "Hey" Tristan reaches over to put one hand on her knee.

"We'll figure this out" he assures her.

"I know" Victoria nods before leaning over to kiss his cheek.


"My best sloth year I believe was sophomore year. I went to Spain for a week to immerse myself in Cervantes, wound up staying for two months and almost join the French foreign legion" Finn says sitting at the bar.

"But you were in Spain" Tristan points out. "Yes! But Sinatra didn't sing about the Spanish foreign legion" Finn explains.

"Could you pass me three peanuts?" Juliet requests. Rory gives her the peanuts. "Two months is nothing" Colin insists.

"Oh! So you think you can outdo me?" Finn asks him.

"Freshman year, four and a half months cross country road trip. This was pre-navigational systems people" Colin replies. "Junior year. I dropped my things off at my dorm room, jumped on a plane to Australia and surfed until Christmas" Finn says.

"You did not" Colin scoffs. "I did" Finn insists. "Where was I?" Colin asks

"In class like a good little boy" Finn teases. "Amazing! They're actually having a loser off" Tristan laughs. "Oh, look how he mocks! The boy who stayed in his room pining over his ex the entire time he was at boarding school" Colin points out.

"Hey! I was that ex" Victoria says.

"Yes, yes you were" Colin nods. "Two more peanuts. Little ones" Juliet requests.

"Hey, Logan! Do you remember that time that you left the classroom to make an entrance for that mock debate, and you ended up in Atlantic City?" Colin asks him. "Vaguely" Logan replies.

"Now this man here is long raining King Of the Sloths, no one can waste time like this man here" Tristan says.

"Really?" Rory asks. "No! Now who wants to drink?" Logan tries changing the topic.

"Oh! He's just being modest" Colin insisted. "Logan has the talent for doing nothing, yet to be matched by man or actual sloth" he continues. "Ok! I feel a lipstick crisis coming on" Juliet gets off her stool.

"I'll be right back" she walks away.

"I'll go with you" Victoria follows. "Ooh, wait for me" Rosemary goes after them.

"King Of the Sloths, huh? I don't know, this year I might give you a run for your money" Rory tells Logan. "Oh, really?" Tristan asks. "Yes! All kings must be dethroned eventually" Rory insists.

"And this year that crown will be mine" she says.

"All hail Rory Gilmore future Queen Of the Sloths" Colin tells. "All hail" Finn agrees.

"All right, time to make the rounds. See which one of these lovely females is soused enough to find my arrogance charming" he puts his drink down. "Finn. Have you ever thought about just wooing a woman?" Rory asks. "Flowers, chocolates a little slow jam in the background?" she lists.

"Slow jams are for the subtle Rory. One too many has a delightful immediacy" Finn insists.

"You coming boys?" he asks. "Absolutely" Colin says.

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