Act 2 ch 16

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"Jeez, look at this place. It's a mess" Victoria says walking into Luke's, which is under construction.

"Nope, can't sit here" Luke says walking over to them. "Why not?" Lorelai asks.

"Three people got nailed in the gear here earlier" Luke answers. "But their food was okay right?" Lorelai asks him. "Will you just move?" Luke asks.

"Outside" he says when Lorelai's phone starts ringing.

"You know, if I sit here one more second, I just might be outside" Lorelai jokes. "Order me some coffee" she tells her daughters before going outside.

"Oh, you are really funny. You and Tom should put an act together" Luke says when Jess gives Rory an umbrella. "I'd leave it open" Luke tells the girls before walking away.


"So, then we're all confirmed. Oh, great" Lorelai says on the phone.

"Thanks so much for your help. Okay bye" she says before hanging up. "Yes" Lorelai says once she's off the phone.

"That was an evil yes" Victoria comments. "Not an evil yes, it's a yes, I'm pretty, but, hello, I'm smart kind of yes" Lorelai corrects her. "Oh, my mistake" Victoria says.

"So here's the deal. I'm going to my facial just as my mother is finishing her salt glow, which will end ten minutes after I've got my scalp treatment, which puts me in the massage pool at least six minutes into her back facial" Lorelai tells her daughters.

"The say is so well planned, I won't see her until dinner, which will be cut tragically short by the good point I plan to contract" she continues. "You are twelve and disgusting" Rory tells her mother.

"I'm trapped and desperate" Lorelai corrects her. "You really think you can avoid grandma the entire weekend?" Victoria asks. "Hey, I'm nothing if not a great organizer. Now you're still going to that party tonight?" Lorelai asks her.

"That's the plan" Victoria answers.

"I still can't believe you're going to another Chilton party" Rory says in disbelief. "We go to school with these people Rory, the more connections you make the better. Now let's talk about what you're going to do tonight" Victoria replies.

"Ooh let's, throwing a party of your own I hope. Inviting hundreds of bikers and lowlifes who are gonna trash the place" Lorelai says partly joking. "I am going to do laundry, watch tv, order Indian food, and go to bed early" Rory responds. "And then coke the bikers and lowlifes who are gonna trash the place?" Victoria asks.

"I may even fall asleep on the couch with the tv on" Rory says.

"When do the bikers and lowlifes get to trash the place?" Lorelai asks. "You're all packed" Rory says zipping Lorelai's suitcase.

"Rory, you have to do something bad when mommy's out of town. It's the law" Lorelai tells her. "You've seen Risky Business, right? You don't have to go as far as a prostitution ring but how about a floating craps game or something?" Victoria asks her sister. "I'll see what I can do" Rory answers.

"I'd greatly appreciate it" Lorelai says.

"I think grandma's here" Victoria says hearing a car honk outside. "What's she honking for? She hates honking" Lorelai says getting up.

"She falls it a mechanical bodily function. Ugh, jeez" she says when she sees the limo parked outside. "Oh, cool" Rory says having the opposite reaction.


"Hello, hello, hello" Emily says when the girls walk outside.

"Are we going to the prom?" Lorelai asks. "I just thought since this weekend is all about relaxing, we should start with the ride" Emily explains.

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