Act 15 ch 15

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"Well. This is much nicer than the last place I picked him up from" Tristan says as he and Victoria walk into the police station.

"Mom" Victoria goes to sit next to her mother. "What happened tonight?" is the first thing Lorelai asks.

"No idea, I didn't even know Rory was there. We thought she wasn't coming until after dinner"Tristan tells her. "She didn't show up to dinner. I didn't hear a thing from her between this morning and a hey mom I'm in jail call" Lorelai replies. "That doesn't make sense, Rory would've told someone if she wasn't going to dinner" Victoria shakes her head.

"Excuse me, Officer, we were wondering if one Logan Huntzberger has been released from your fine custody yet?" Tristan asks.

"Nope. Have a seat" the officer tells him. " Rory Gilmore is coming out now" another officer announces.

"Oh, thank you" Lorelai says. The door buzzes and Rory comes out, all three Gilmores plus Tristan stare at each other in silence. "You've got everything?" Lorelai asks.

Rory holds up her envelope of personal effects.

"Let's go" Lorelai walks out with Rory following her.


Logan ends up coming back to Tristan and Victoria's apartment after complete silence the entire car ride.

"I need a drink" Logan sighs once the door closes behind them. "Cabinet above the sink" Victoria tells him as she puts her purse down.

Tristan grabs two glasses, one for him and one for Logan while Logan grabs the alcohol. "You want one?" Logan asks looking up at Victoria as he pours. "I'm pregnant" she tells him.

Logan's eyes slightly widen processing what she just said.

"Wow. You need this more than I do then" he turns handing a glass to Tristan. "Oh yeah" Tristan starts drinking.

"Logan, what the hell happened tonight?" Victoria asks. "I don't know. She showed up already upset about something, she wouldn't say what" Logan starts. "But how'd you end up with someone else's yacht?" Tristan asks him.

"She wanted to" Logan shrugs.

"She wanted to? She picked a random yacht and said, hey let's take that?" Victoria asks in disbelief. "Yes" Logan confirms.

"Yeah, that's exactly what she did" he continues. "That's not Rory" Tristan shakes his head. "I'm not saying it makes sense, but it's what happened. Maybe I shouldn't have gone along with it but it's done now" Logan says.

"I can't do this right now, I'm going to bed" Victoria walks into her bedroom.


Victoria and Rory are waiting for Lorelai at a table at Weston's when Lorelai walks over.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry. The inn was swamped" Lorelai apologizes. "These bikers are like rabbits who don't eat carrots, too much sugar" she sits down.

"Mm, sugar. The fitness craze is completely lost on us" Victoria says. "I'm starving" Rory tells them. "Me too" Lorelai picks up a menu.

"Hey, so how'd your last final go?" Victoria turns to her sister.

"It went well" Rory nods. "Yeah? And you finished packing?" Lorelai asks her.

"All packed, all boxed. I just have one more trip to school and home and then I'm done" Rory replies. "Ah. It's going to be nice to have you home for a while" Lorelai tells her. "I'm glad you feel that way" Rory says.

"Yeah. The place hasn't had a decent dusting since you left" Lorelai says causing Rory to roll her eyes.

"Hey, do you think today is the day we're finally going to go through all twelve layers of the twelve-layer German chocolate cake?" Victoria asks. "Maybe, the bikers have showed me the importance of challenging oneself" Lorelai replies.

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