Act 3 ch 12

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"We got the flags and-he changed his mind again" Victoria realizes as her and Rory walk into the inn.

The girls are helping with a retirement party being throw at the inn, only problem is the guy who's party it is keeps changing themes. "He's worse than my mother at the glory of easter shirt stand" Lane says walking out to get stuff for the new theme.

"You kept the receipt I hope" Lorelai tells her daughters. "Yep" Rory nods. "Good god this party's gonna be the death of me" Lorelai says.

"Of someone" Michel says wanting to kill the man who's party it is.

"Go call the florist" Lorelai tells him. "You're stressed" Victoria points out.

"You're observant" Lorelai replies. "Well we were gonna save this for later, but you look like you need it now" Victoria says pulling out an envelope. "What's that?" Lorelai asks.

"Victoria and I have been cordially invited to Sherry Tinsdale's C-section" Rory tells her.

"No way" Lorelai gasps. "Mm-hmm. Friday, February 7th, 6:00 P.M. join the girls for a toast, a hug, a wave to the mommy as they wheel her off. Dinner at Sushi Sushi, and then back to the hospital for a formal viewing of brand new baby Georgia, rsvp at your earliest convenience P.S. gifts are not necessary but always appreciated" Victoria reads the invitation.

"I-I don't even know where to start" Lorelai says. "I knew you'd like it" Victoria replies. "You have to rsvp to a c-section" Lorelai says overwhelmed by everything she just heard.

"And bring a gift" Rory adds.

"I wonder if Laura Mercier makes demerol" Lorelai thinks out loud. "You wanna keep it?" Victoria asks her.

"Oh yes please" Lorelai takes the invitation. "But don't lose it. I need the phone number" Rory tells her. "So are you going?" Lorelai asks.

"Well, I don't know. I mean I know it's weird but I kind of wanna see Georgia, she's sort of my sister" Rory answers.

"More than sort of, she is our sister. It would be cool to meet her the night that she's born" Victoria says. "Yeah, it's a good story to talk about" Rory agrees.

"You should go" Lorelai tells them. "We should, shouldn't we?" Victoria asks. "And you should take pictures and wear a hidden microphone, cause I wanna hear everything" Lorelai says.

"I'll see what I can do" Rory laughs.


"I just want to go on record that a grown man should not throw himself a beanie baby retirement party" Rory says grabbing boxes of beanie babies out of the trunk.

After golf, beanie babies was the man's next theme idea. "Just hold your breath this one actually takes" Victoria tells her sister.

"And how is Sookie supposed to plan a beanie baby menu?" Rory asks. "Lots of beans" Lorelai answers. "I think this is ridiculous" Rory says.

"Angel face, you're going to have to learn that their are going to be times in your life where you have to do ridiculous things for money" Lorelai tells her.

"Oh, Rory come on, did you order from amazon again? Cause they're gonna give your books to the wrong house" Lorelai sees a box on their front porch. "I didn't. I swear" Rory replies.

"Victoria?" Lorelai asks. "I didn't order anything, it's from grandma" Victoria replies reading the box. "What is it?" Rory asks.

"Heavy" Victoria says picking up the box.

"Must be her hopes and dreams for me" Lorelai jokes. "I thought she discarded those years ago" Victoria says as they walk in the house.

"Just drop the beanies by the door" Lorelai says. "Girls, here are some travel books I stumbled across in your father's study. I thought they could help in the planning of your European adventure" Victoria reads the note on the box. At the last Friday night dinner Emily and Richard were shocked and frankly disgusted by their daughter and granddaughters plans to stay in hostels.

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