Act 4 ch 8

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At the elder Gilmore residence Victoria, Lorelai, Rory, Richard, and Emily are eating dinner.

"More broccoli, Grandpa?" Victoria offers. "Absolutely. Staves off the cancer" Richard accepts causing Victoria to pass him the broccoli.

"Staves off my appetite" Lorelai says. "You really should eat more green things, Lorelai" Emily tells her. "I plan to eat a five-dollar bill later tonight" Lorelai jokes. "Oh, have you seen the new twenties? They have a little peach color in 'em" Rory chimes in.

"Peach, perfect. Eat a new twenty, you'll have your fruits and vegetables" Victoria jokes to her mother.

"I think we saw some of the new twenties in Atlantic City, didn't we, Emily?" Richard asks his wife.
"I think" she agrees.

"How was Atlantic City? Successful?" Victoria asks. "Very" Richard answers. "Well, Siskel's chimed in. What about you?" Lorelai asks her mother.

"I'm refraining" Emily says.

"It's a bit of a sore subject" Richard tells them. "We'll talk about something else" Victoria says.

"The garishness, the garishness" Emily starts. "Thus spake Ebert" Lorelai says. "Why have a simple sign if it can be in bright flashing neon? And the new slot machines?" Emily keeps going.

"They don't just make obnoxious bell sounds anymore, they yell at you" she complains.

"The slot machines were talking to you?" Victoria asks. "Oh, they talk, I can verify that. One of them kept yelling, wheel...of...fortune!" Richard says causing both his granddaughters to try to hide their laughs.

"And the parking lot of the hotel that we stayed at had an area for RV's" Emily adds. "Perish the thought!" Lorelai gasps. "And the boardwalk..." Emily sighs.

"Oh, I've always wanted to see the Atlantic City boardwalk" Rory says.

"I'll save you a trip. Tip an overflowing trash can on your front porch and walk up and down on it" Emily tells her. "It was actually quite a successful outing. Maybe not to our taste, but the clients loved it" Richard defends the trip.

"The clients were too plastered to know better" Emily insists. "Kind of the point" Victoria points out."Two of them stayed up all night and smelled like it" Emily complains.

"That was a tad gross" Richard agrees.

"One of them, a married man, had a long conversation shall I put this delicately? A woman of less than reputable nature" Emily tells them. "Hm. Do hοοker charge to let you talk to them?" Lorelai asks.

"Depends on what they're doing when they're talking to you" Victoria answers. "Victoria!" Emily gasps.

"Sorry" Victoria apologizes. "I expect that from your mother, but not you" Emily says. "Just a joke" Victoria tells her.

"Yeah, Mom, Yale is broadening her world view" Lorelai says.

"Digger was in his element" Emily keep complaining. "You mean Jason was in his element" Richard corrects her.

"He caroused along with the best of them" Emily tells them. "You carouse any, grandpa?" Victoria asks him. "I played a little craps, but the tables were ice-cold" Richard responds.

"What's the next outing Jason has planned for your clients, Richard? Spring break in Cancún so you can do shots off people's bellies?" Emily asks.

"I'm uncomfortable hearing you say that" Lorelai makes a disgusted face. "Me, too" Rory agrees.

"I can assure you, Emily, that there are no belly shots in our future" Richard tells his wife. "Although doing one off Dad's belly is okay. You're married" Lorelai adds. "And those gifts. Those heinous gifts he gave out" Emily ignore the comments.

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