Act 4 ch 3

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"Whoa, you okay?" Victoria asks sitting on the couch when Rory falls dropping her books walking into their dorm.

"Yeah, where did this come from?" Rory asks looking around at all the new furniture. "No idea, it was here when I got back" Victoria replies.

Rory goes to talk again but stops when her phone rings. "Hello?" Rory answers the phone. Victoria goes back to drawing while Rory talks on the phone.

"Okay, see you Friday" Rory hangs up after a couple minutes.

"Grandma broke into our room and furnished it" Rory says in shock. "Yeah I kind of assumed as much" Victoria sighs.

"She's lost her mind" Rory scoffs. "Why are you so shocked, she's always been like this" Victoria point out. "We have roommates, our grandmother taking over our place is weird" Rory explains.

"Oh I agree, I'm just not shocked. I love grandma but  as much as we love her she loves us more, and this is how Emily Gilmore shows her love" Victoria says.

"I can't believe this" Rory leans back on the couch.


"Think about it before you say no" Victoria says as her and Paris walk into their dorm.

"About what?" Rory asks. "The first party of the year's going to be on our floor" Paris says excited.

"Oh yeah?" Rory replies. "Technically, it's to celebrate the first week of classes but let's be honest it's just an excuse for everyone to drink" Victoria says moving to sit down. "Doesn't matter, the important thing is that this party is going to be on our floor. Our floor" Paris says.

"Yes, our floor. Why'd you think I was gonna say no?" Rory asks turning to her sister.

"That's the part I'm getting too, the way it works is that anyone who wants to be apart of the party will just leave their door open so people can just wonder in and out. So what do you think?" Victoria asks. "About what?" Rory asks till confused.

"Leaving our door open" Victoria clarifies. "It's the perfect opportunity to solidify our social standing at Yale. It'll virtually guarantee invitations to every other party this year" Paris adds. "You really care about getting invited to every party?" Rory asks turning to Victoria again.

"No, but we're all new here it would be good to at least talk to some people" Victoria answers.

"I don't know" Rory says. "What, what don't you know? I've explained the entire thing to you" Paris asks.

"I'm not sure I wanna leave our door open to strangers" Rory answers. "They won't be strangers once they come in and say howdy" Paris points out. "But I'm not sure how I'm gonna feel that night. I might be tired" Rory insists.

"For god sakes Rory you're eighteen, you sleep when you're dead" Paris rolls her eyes.

"Hey, we can still go to the party while still leaving our room to Rory" Victoria tells her. "Going isn't the same. Going is passive" Paris disagrees.

"Paris" Victoria says. "Opening your door, you're giving the party, you are responsible for the fun. People owe you" Paris explains. "We need that" she finishes.

"I don't need anyone to owe me" Rory replies.

"Oh sure, I get it you don't need any of us. After all, you have all this fancy furniture and a big tv to lord over people. It's the rest of us who are screwed" Paris looks around the room. "The ones whose grandparents hadn't thought to provide suck up furniture, and you were on my side at first and now you're agreeing with her?" she turns to Victoria.

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