Act 2 ch 10

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Victoria lays in bed on her side staring into space, the only movement is her finger twisting the ring on her finger.

*Flashback to night of the breakup*

"I don't want this to be the last time I see you" Victoria whispers barely loud enough for Tristan to hear as her heads pressed against his shoulder while he hugs her tighter than ever before. "It won't be" he tells her.

"You don't know that" Victoria shakes her head. As Tristan pulls away from the hug he takes hold of one of her hands and slips a ring off of his finger and onto hers. "I promise you, I will come back to you. This isn't our big goodbye it can't be" Tristan promises the girl he loves.

*Back to the present*

Victoria keeps replaying that night over and over in her head.

Her mother and sister forced her to wallow, Sookie's been baking her brownies, Luke giving her the most awkward hug, Jackson trying to make her laugh, Lane trying to comfort her but having no real experience when it comes to boyfriends, Babette telling her men don't matter, Patty telling her she'll fall in love a dozen more times, Emily taking this opportunity to prove she can be a maternal figure, Richard being clueless, even Kirk making weird yet sweet gestures trying to cheer her up. They all work for a couple moments at a time, but overall they're just temporary distractions.


"How do you like that mouth?" Lorelai asks building a snowman with her daughters.

"Uh it's not very mouth like" Victoria answers. "I think it works" Lorelai replies.

"It's tilted to the side" Rory agrees with her sister. "Yeah I know, it was intentional. It gives her a unique expression" Lorelai explains. "Like she had a stroke?" Victoria asks.

"Fine, I'll just use the Mrs Potato Head lips" Lorelai says.

"No forget it, leave stroke mouth. It's not like we're gonna win this anyway" Victoria tells her. "Whoa, bad attitude" Lorelai replies.

"Mom face it, that is the single most incredible snowman I have ever seen" Rory points to a very detailed snowman. "I'm sorry that snowman is way over the top, way to showy. It screams I'm incredible I'm special look at me" Lorelai says. "Kind of the point of a snowman building contest" Victoria says grumpy.

"I'm sorry aren't you supposed to be the optimistic sweet look on the bright side daughter?" Lorelai asks her.

"Yeah well the bright sides looking kinda dark lately" Victoria sighs. "And by the way, he's totally a ringer" she says nodding towards the guy building the insanely detailed snowman.

"How do you figure?" Rory asks. "Someone recruited him, promised him a handsome sum, finances his theatrical snowman accoutrements. So he can snatch victory away from a deserving local in order to bag the contest prize for himself" Victoria explains. "Seems a little elaborate considering the prize is a set of new U.S. quarters" Rory replies.

"Whatever, so what are we gonna do over winter break?" Victoria asks her.

"A lot of nothing" Rory answers. "Sounds good" Lorelai agrees.

"Plus some homework" Rory says. "And a lotta movies" Victoria adds. "Ooh we have to rent Godfather III on DVD" Rory tells them.

"You're kidding" Lorelai replies.

"The audio commentary, Coppola actually defends casting Sofia" Rory explains. "Now that is fatherly love" Victoria comments.

"What's all this homework you have to do?" Lorelai asks. "Yeah, how'd you get some when I got none?" Victoria adds. "Just stuff for the paper" Rory answers.

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