Act 6 ch 5

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At Luke's diner Victoria and Lorelai are sitting on a table examining the nachos they have in front of them.

"They're gonna to get cold" Luke walks over to them. "Are they different?" Victoria asks him.

"Different than what?" Luke plays dumb. "Than before, they seem different" Victoria replies. "They're nachos. You like nachos" Luke says.

"You used baked chips" Lorelai realizes.

"What?" Luke asks. "You did, didn't you? You used baked chips and low-fat cheese" Victoria gasps.

"I did not...use low-fat cheese" Luke admits to the baked chips. "Ha" Lorelai says. "How can you tell?" Luke asks baffled.

"How could you lie?" Victoria responds.

"They taste the same" Luke insists. "Oh, the trust, Luke. How are we gonna to make it if you're constantly trying to keep me healthy?" Lorelai asks him.

"Fine. Forget it" Luke gives up. "Die at 60" he takes the plates and walks away. "Can I get a donut while I wait?" Victoria asks.

Lane notices the girls and tries to avoid them.

"Hey, Lane. Yoo-hoo" Lorelai notices her. "Lane! Whoo" Victoria starts wildly gesturing not having seen her best friend in a while.

"Lane, seriously. Landing planes over here" Victoria laughs. Lane gives up and goes over to their table. "Hey" she says.

"Hey. Fill me up here" Lorelai replies.

Lane fills up Lorelai cup with coffee while avoiding eye contact. "Sooo, how's it going?" Victoria asks. "Good" Lane answers.

"I haven't seen you the last couple days" Lorelai mentions.

"I've been working the lunch shift" Lane explains. "Is something wrong?" Victoria asks her.

"Wrong?" Lane asks. "Yeah, you're giving me a Valerie Cherish, you know, and 'I don't wanna see that!'" Victoria laughs. Lane looks confused not getting the reference.

"It's a great show. You should watch it" Lorelai tells her.

"I will" Lane nods. "It's cancelled" Lorelai replies.

"Oh, sorry" Lane apologizes. "Well, it's your fault,, what's going on here? Things aren't supposed to be weird with us" Victoria asks her. "Rory moved in with me" Lane blurts out.

"She...But why? What happened?" Lorelai asks.

"I don't really know. We haven't had the in-depth conversation yet" Lane answers. "She just said she moved out of her grandparents' house and needed a place to crash" she says.

"Wow, that's pretty big" Victoria comments. "Yeah. And she didn't tell me if I could say anything, so I just assumed I shouldn't" Lane explains. "Right, I get it. I heard nothing" Lorelai says knowing that part was mainly about her.

"So, it's nice of you to let her crash" Victoria says.

"Hey, she's small. How much room can she take up, right?" Lane laughs. "Did she bring her books?" Lorelai jokes.

"Good point. Are you okay?" Lane asks. "Me? Sure" Lorelai replies. "I'm fine. A little curious, but I'm fine" she insists.

"Well, when I know more..." Lane says.

"Right" Lorelai nods. "Okay" Lane says.

"Okay" Lorelai replies. "Okay" Victoria repeats them. "Okay" Lane says one more time before walking away.


Victoria's laying in bed staring at the ceiling when Lorelai knocks on her doorframe.

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