Act 2 ch 12

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"Thanks, man is it cold out there" Lorelai says as the maid takes her coat at her parent's house.

"I know, I'm freezing" Victoria agrees. "Well come on in and sit by the fire, I'll make you all drinks and then we can talk" Emily leads them to the living room.

"About what?" Rory asks her. "Antennas up" Lorelai whispers to her daughters. "Aye aye captain" Victoria whispers back.

"So Lorelai how are you?" Emily asks her daughter.

"Um I'm fine mom" Lorelai answers. "Rory?" Emily asks.

"I'm fine too grandma" Rory replies. "And Victoria?" Emily asks her other granddaughter. "I'm doing fine, how are you grandma?" Victoria asks smiling at her.

"Also fine" Emily answers.

"Oh look at that all four of us fine" Lorelai comments. "So Lorelai, are you dating?" Emily asks her.

"Uh no I'm not dating" Lorelai answers. "Really? There's no one at all?" Emily asks her. "No, I'm totally single" Lorelai replies.

"Any chance you'll get back with Max?" Emily asks.

"No mom there's no chance" Lorelai answers. "What about the man at the diner, the one who refuses to shave?" Emily asks her.

"Luke is just a friend mom" Lorelai replies. "Do you think you'll be single your entire life?" Emily asks. "Excuse me" Lorelai says.

"I mean in terms of your finding someone, what do you think the odds are?" Emily asks her.

"Okay what is going on?" Lorelai asks. "Well I visited the family mausoleum today" Emily starts.

"Never what you think it's going to be" Lorelai says shocked. "I just wanted to check on things, make sure they were keeping it up, changing the flowers. You know" Emily explains. "Uh huh" Lorelai nods.

"So I went inside and looked around and it occurred to me that there's a very limited space there, now of course there's a slot open for me and Richard and you and the girls but after the three of you that's it. No more room for anyone else" Emily tells her.

"Ahh" Lorelai realizes what's going on. "Yes, so if you actually do meet someone someday I don't know where to put him"  Emily tells her.

"Well maybe we could just dump him at the local pool hall" Lorelai says. "Don't be silly" Emily responds. "No, because this is definitely not a conversation for that" Lorelai says sarcastically.

"I looked into expanding into the crypt next door but the family that owns it wouldn't even discuss it with me" Emily tells them.

"I'm getting a little creeped out here" Rory chimes in. "So I talked to the head of the cemetery and he suggested that we buy an annex" Emily says.

"An annex?" Victoria asks. "Yes" Emily confirms. "You know like an outlet store, but it would specialize in the irregular family members" Lorelai says.

"So if we do here the annex and you do eventually someday get married" Emily says stressing the word someday.

"Mom just say fat change will you" Lorelai interrupts.  "I just meant that we'll have to decide who to move" Emily finishes.

"Oh, oh well uh why don't we move Aunt Cecile? She was always so annoying at parties she loved the knock knock jokes" Lorelai suggests. "Mom!" Rory says. "What?" Lorelai asks.

"You can't just kick out Aunt Cecile" Victoria says knowing what her sister was getting at.

"Knock knock, who's there? Pineapple, Pineapple who? That's where it ended, never fully grasped the knock knock concept" Lorelai mocks her aunt. "She was a complete idiot, okay it's decided Cecile goes" Emily agrees.

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