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By time Summer rolls around, Victoria and Tristan have made bits of progress, not quite perfect, but progress.

"It made sense. I was always leaning towards a chem major" April says. At the Gilmore house, Lorelai, Rory, Victoria, Tristan, Jamie, and April sit around the table while Luke cooks.

"I just love chem labs" April continues. "Me too" Victoria comments. "Beakers, clamps" April lists.

"Test-tubes, Bunsen burners" Victoria adds.

"But I love philosophy too, metaphysics? Can't get enough" April says. "I once got in trouble once for cheating on a metaphysics exam. I looked into the soul of the boy next to me" Lorelai says as she pours herself a glass of wine.

"You took metaphysics?" April asks her. "No, that was Woody Allen" Lorelai explains. "Woody Allen took metaphysics?" April asks.

"It's from Annie Hall, the movie" Rory tells her.

"I only watch German silent films" April says. "Oh, boy, remember that phase" Lorelai comments.

"Wh-when did you punch a hold in your nose?" Luke asks noticing April's nose piercing. "Uh-read the constitution. I get to adorn my body as I see fit" she tells him. "She's got you there" Tristan says taking a sip of his drink.

"Oh, I took some great linguistic courses too, I mean it's MIT. Noam Chomsky walks the halls" April brings up.

"I met him. Chatted with him, laughed with him" she continues. "He's my idol" April says with a huge smile.

"Well, to Noam is to love him" Lorelai jokes. April gives her a weird look though instead of a laugh. "No? Is this thing on?" Lorelai taps the bottle in front of her.

"Ooh" she stands up when Luke brings the pasta over.

"Why are you getting up?" Luke asks. "I was just gonna get extra cheese" Lorelai answers.

"I was gonna get it" Luke tells her. "I'll get it" Lorelai says. "I'm up" Luke responds walking to the fridge, causing Lorelai to sit back down.

"So, what are you found this Summer before graduate school?" Victoria asks putting the attention back on April.

"Well, first I'm gonna travel with friends. We're getting a few states to canvass for pot legalization" April tells her. "For what?" Luke asks, finally sitting down.

"It's about civil liberties. It just happens to be about pot" April replies. "You just made it sound way less fun" Jamie laughs. "Hey. Child" Victoria says.

"No" she shakes her head at her son.

"Do you smoke pot?" Luke asks his daughter. "No" she lies.

When April looks down at her phone and Luke starts scooping pasta, Jamie inhales and makes a fake smoking signal causing Lorelai, Rory, and Tristan to silently laugh, before Tristan sees the unimpressed look on Victoria's face, that's when he gives Jamie a light whack on the arm.


"God, I'm exhausted" Victoria collapses face down on the middle of her bed.

Walking over, Tristan sits next to her on the edge of the bed. "So I saw Zach and Lane at the market earlier" he mentions.

"Oh yeah?" Victoria turns to face him. "Yeah. I thought maybe Jamie can sleepover there one night this week, hangout with Steve and Kwan" Tristan tells her. "That sounds good" Victoria says.

"And then that way we can get a night alone together" Tristan adds.

"Oh" Victoria's face drops. "There it is" Tristan sighs.

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