Act 3 ch 8

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"Okay. Still walking" Lorelai says walking to Luke's.

"You okay?" Victoria asks her. "All's good, I should probably keep moving" Lorelai replies.

"God, my feet have never been in this much pain before" Rory complains. "Oh, yeah? What about that time?" Lorelai asks. "What time?" Rory asks her.

"That time where I did that thing and your feet...I got to stop" Lorelai says.

"I got to sit" Rory says as they stop to sit on hay bales. "What were you saying?" Victoria asks turning to Lorelai.

"About what?" Lorelai asks. "Rory's feet" Victoria replies. "What about her feet?" Lorelai asks her.

"I don't know, you were talking about the thing you did to her feet" Victoria says.

"What thing?" Lorelai asks. "The thing that and...huh?" Rory says.

"What?" Lorelai asks her. "Okay enough about feet" Victoria tells them. "I feel jet lagged" Rory says.

"How far is Luke's?" Lorelai asks sighing.

"It's right over there" Victoria points. "It looks far" Lorelai says.

"Very far" Rory insists. "Maybe if we concentrate really hard, our combined psychic powers will move it closer" Lorelai suggests. "I don't think it's working" Victoria says after a moment.

"Eh, it's my fault. I'm not focusing" Lorelai says.

"Yes, that must be why we can't move half a city block closer to us" Rory says sarcastically. "Alright then, let's go on the count of three...." Lorelai says but just sits there not counting.


"Oh, my god. Thank you" Lorelai says when they finally reach Luke's.

"I never realized Luke's was a hundred miles away" Rory says sitting down. "We're lucky it wasn't snowing it would've been the Donner party all over again but with slightly better hair" Lorelai says.

"Why are you sitting over there?" Victoria asks her sister. "Where?" Rory asks. "At that table" Victoria replies.

"Huh. How did I get here?" Rory asks just then noticing she's at a different table than the rest of her family.

"You sat there" Lorelai says. "Well this chair's very close to that chair so you understand how I could've made the mistake" Rory replies.

"Move over here by us" Victoria tells her. "Why don't you move over here by me?" Rory asks. "Because there's two of us and one of you, plus you're the one who sat in the wrong chair" Victoria responds.

"I think it's a little presumptuous to assume that my chair is the wrong chair when my chair could just as easily be right" Rory says.

"No" Lorelai disagrees. "Why?" Rory asks.

"Because I'm the leader of the clan, the provider of the household, the alpha male, and the one whose feet just fell asleep, so there's absolutely no chance of movement" Lorelai explains. "Fine" Rory says getting up. "Thank you" Lorelai thanks her.

"See? It's nice sitting at the right table isn't it?" Lorelai asks.

"Oh, excuse me, did my trophy bump you?" Kirk asks walking in. "No Kirk, it didn't" Lorelai replies.

"Good, because the size of it is so large that sometimes I can't judge where the exact end of it is" Kirk says. "We're fine, Kirk" Lorelai tells him. "I'm glad, because these shiny, golden edges are very sharp. They can take an eye out or cause a deep gash completely unintentionally" Kirk keeps going.

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