Act 6 ch 10

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"I don't like leaving you alone during a holiday, I feel like a bad mom" Lorelai says as she packs her bag for Martha's Vineyard.

"It's the weekend before Valentine's Day, it doesn't really count as a holiday" Victoria tells her. "Still though, me, Luke, Rory, and Logan, that's four of the main people in your support system are going out of town without you when you're vulnerable. It feels icky" Lorelai insists.

"I'd only be upset if I was being purposely left out, which I'm not. I'm more than welcomed to go, I'm just choosing not to" Victoria assures her. "Maybe you should come with" Lorelai suggests. "I don't want to be locked in a romantic place with couples being coupley while I'm alone, I'd feel pathetic. Besides this far into the pregnancy I don't feel good about traveling" Victoria explains.

"Then maybe I should stay too" Lorelai tells her.

"Mom" Victoria says. "If you go into labor and I'm not here-" Lorelai starts.

"My due date isn't for two more weeks, you'll be back by then" Victoria cuts her off.


"This is getting a little creepy" Babette says sitting on Lorelai's couch watching at Kirk measures Victoria's stomach.

"It's not creepy. This is my first pregnancy, I want to be able to hold onto every detail" Victoria insists. "Children have questions, it's best to have answers prepared" Kirk adds.

"You think her kid's gonna need to know how big she got down to the exact centimeter?" Babette asks him. "My mother told me" Kirk shrugs. "Alright" Babette sighs.

"Where are you going?" Kirk asks as Victoria walks away.

"I have to pee" she answers. "You haven't even drank anything since the last time you went" Kirk points out.

"Hurry up" he yells as Victoria closes the bathroom door.


When Victoria doesn't come out fast enough Kirk gets impatient and starts knocking on the door.

"We have more work to do" he yells. "Leave her alone, Kirk" Babette pushes him out of the way.

"You okay in there doll?" she asks. No response. "Victoria, sweetheart" Babette knocks on the door.

Putting her ear to the door Babette hears Victoria crying.

"I'm coming in" Babette opens the door to find Victoria sitting on the floor sobbing. "What's wrong?" Babette instantly drops to her knees in front of her.

Victoria answers but Babette can't understand a word she's saying. "Breathe, honey breathe" Babette tells her. "There's blood" Victoria says still crying.


At the hospital Babette's sitting in the waiting room when Tristan comes running in and to the front desk.

"Victoria Gilmore, what room is she in?" he asks visibly panicked. "Tristan" Babette stands up.

"Where is she? What happened?" Tristan asks. "They took her into surgery-" Babette starts. "What?" Tristan interrupts still frantic.

"They had to do a c-section, they said they'd come tell me as soon as she's out" Babette tells him.

"Oh my god" Tristan sits down closing his eyes. "She'll be alright, women have c-sections every day" Babette puts a hand on his shoulder.

"I should have been there" Tristan says. "There's nothing you would've been able to do" Babette shakes her head. "That doesn't matter, I should have been there" Tristan repeats.


The moment the doctor comes out telling them what room Victoria's recovering in, Tristan's instantly on his way.

When he gets to her room he stops in the door way seeing her laying in bed, wiping her eyes. "Hey" Tristan says softly, starting to walk towards her.

"Hi" Victoria looks up, tears still in her eyes. Tristan sits on the side of her bed hugging her. "Have you seen him?" Victoria asks.

"What?" Tristan asks.

"I only got to see him for a second before they had to take him away to the NICU" Victoria says. "Him?" Tristan looks at her.

Victoria nods in response. "We had a boy?" Tristan asks her. Again Victoria nods.

Tristan's face breaks into a huge smile before he kisses the side of Victoria's head.

"Oh that's good, that's really good" he says still smiling. "It'd be even better if we had the slightest clue as to what we were going to name him" Victoria replies.

"We have a slight clue" Tristan tells her. "We have an idea for a middle name, we've hated everything for the first name" Victoria points out. "Naming someone's hard" Tristan says.

"So hard" Victoria agrees.

"I mean, I don't want a name I picked to be the reason my kid gets bullied" Tristan explains. "And boy names are so much harder. I can list ten cute girls names off the top on my head, and nothing for our baby boy" Victoria adds.

"It'll come to us eventually" Tristan rubs her arm. It's at this that Victoria notices that his arm's still around, notices that she's let herself lean into him, notices that for a few minutes she let herself forget that she was mad at him. "I think you should go see the baby" she suggests.

"I don't want to leave you here alone" Tristan says.

"You can send Babette in, knowing her I really doubt she went home" Victoria tells him. "Are you sure?" Tristan asks.

"Yeah. You should meet your son" Victoria insists. "Okay" Tristan nods getting up.


"The favorite uncle has arrived" Colin says walking into Victoria's hospital room the next morning.

"Thank you, for that lovely introduction" Finn walks up behind him. "Where is everybody? I thought it'd be a full house" Colin looks around the room confused.

"No one knows" Tristan tells them. "Well, that's not true. I'm sure all of Stars Hollow knows by now, no one that was gonna be here knows though" Victoria rephrases. "No Rory or Logan? Or any of your family?" Finn asks.

"My mom and Rory are still in Martha's Vineyard, and my mom would kill me if I told my grandparents before telling her" Victoria answers.

"I still think we should've called your mom, she'll be more upset when she finds out all this happened without her than she would be if you told Emily before her" Tristan tells her. "It's the weekend before Valentine's Day, they're happy and in love and in a beautiful place. I'm not gonna be the one to make her come home and stress out earlier than she has to" Victoria insists.

"You're a better person than me, I wouldn't be thinking about anyone else right now" Colin says. "I'm barely even thinking of any of you right now, I just want to see the baby" Finn tells them. "They want to keep him in the NICU for a couple days, I can take you up there though" Tristan stands up from his spot in the chair next to Victoria's bed. 

"Him? Little Colin Finn Dugray?" Colin asks.

"Little no name Dugray" Victoria corrects him. "You haven't named him yet? It's been a day" Finn says shocked.

"It's been less than 24 hours. Besides, they want to keep Victoria and the baby here a couple more days anyway so that gives us some more time" Tristan tells them. "More time than the nine months you've already had?" Colin asks. "Okay, to the NICU you go" Victoria sends them away.

"We'll be back" Finn says before starting to run to the elevator.


This took so damn long cause I had genuinely no idea what I was writing, there was no plan for what would happen except that it would happen this episode

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