Act 3 ch 17

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"Hi" Victoria says sitting down next to Lorelai.

Victoria and Rory had just walked to Luke's after school to meet up with their mother. "Say cheese" Lorelai says taking a picture of her daughters.

"I love my little digital camera. I want to marry it" she says. "Do you ever want to put it away?" Rory asks. "Oh you hurt little Digital Dan's feelings" Lorelai replies.

"Sorry, D.D." Rory apologizes.

"Gotcha. Oh, no wait" Lorelai tries taking another picture. "Missed. Got a good one of you though, nice cheekbones" she tells the lady sitting down the counter on Rory's right.

"So could you focus on something non photographic for a second?" Victoria asks. "Hmm. I'll try" Lorelai fake pouts. "I was asked to pass this along to you" Victoria hands her an envelope.

"Something from Chilton. You still dipping girls' hair in inkwells?" Lorelai asks jokingly.

"Read it and see" Victoria says. "Dear Ms Gilmore, with your daughters' final days at Chilton fast approaching yours are too. Not feelin the love here" Lorelai starts reading. "Yadda, yadda, yadda. The booster club could use your help" she continues.

"We would greatly appreciate, greatly's underlined three times. Trying to emphasize a word there" Lorelai keeps going.

"Got it, guys thanks. Your involvement, especially on light of your previous paucity of participation, ooh they got me with alliteration and an obscure word" she says. "The bastards" Rory comments.

"I've been summoned to duty" Lorelai sighs. "Sounds like it" Victoria nods. "I feel like I should pack my rucksack, kiss my loved ones goodbye" Lorelai says.

"So don't do it then" Rory tells her.

"Yeah, we're as good as out of there. Yale's grabbed us" Victoria agrees. "Exactly, it's too late. We don't need anything from Chilton" Lorelai nods.

"Except our graduation tickets" Victoria points out. "We already got them" Lorelai replies. "But we need extras, I just put in the request it's up to them now" Victoria explains.

"So we do need one kind of big thing" Lorelai says.

"And then there our diplomas" Rory adds. "You'll get your diplomas at graduation" Lorelai responds.

"No we get our diploma holders at graduation. Do you really think they would withhold our diplomas based on mom's participation paucity?" Victoria tells her mother and asks her sister. "I don't know" Rory shrugs. "I doubt it, that's a little much even for Chilton. I mean seriously that's crazy" Victoria says.

"Their whole world is crazy, I wouldn't put this past them. Oh, man I'm screwed" Lorelai sighs.

"I guess I got to do it" she says. "Hey, guys" Luke walks over to them.

The minute he gets there Lorelai takes a picture of him with the flash on. "Was that necessary?" Luke asks. "Oh, man. You do not photograph well" Lorelai laughs.

"What?" Luke asks her.

"You been getting some sleep? Cause that's forty miles of bad road" Lorelai shows Luke the picture. "I wasn't ready. It was a bad angle and it's a harsh light" Luke defends himself.

"A soft light would help with the thing with the eyes" he points to his eyes. "Look who knows what light he looks best in" Victoria says. "You ready to order?" Luke asks.

"I'm gonna take a picture of the menu and then order off the camera" Lorelai takes a picture of her menu.

"Yell when she's tired of the thing" Luke tells the twins. "Give it time" Rory says as Luke walks away.

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