Chapter 12

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"Wow, you went new cd crazy" Victoria tells Lane as they along with Rory look at Lane's new cds.

"They just had an amazing selection today" Lane says. "The best of blondie, Kraftwerk, Young marble giants" Rory says looking through the cds.

"Yoko Ono, really?" Victoria asks. "A very misunderstood artist and the Beatles would've broken up anyway" Lane defends. "Have you shared this theory with anyone?" Rory asks her.

"I know it. Yoko knows it. Sean knows it, Julian's still in denial but what can you do" Lane tells her.

"Okay, I must listen to anyone names Claudine Longet" Victoria says putting the cd in the stereo. "Rory?" Lane says looking at Rory.

"Yes Lane?" Rory asks. "I have a favor to ask you" Lane tells her. "Uh-huh" Rory says listening.

"Well, you know Dean?" Lane asks.

"Her boyfriend?" Victoria questions. "Yes" Lane confirms.

"Yes I do" Rory says. "Okay, well remember I was telling you about his friend Todd?" Lane asks. "Todd, yes" Rory tells her.

"Have you met him?" Lane asks.

"No" Rory answers. "Well he's cool" Lane tells her.

"Good" Rory says. "Really cool" Lane replies. "Good again" Rory responds.

"Really really cool" Lane says.

"Good still holds" Rory replies. "So cool in fact that it brings me to my next question" Lane says as Lorelai walks in.

"Hey, I'm studying in there" Lorelai says pointing to the kitchen. "I know" Victoria tells her. "Yeah, I have like six thousand pages of case studies to memorize and this whole big test on the walmart phenomena coming up on Friday and because I have a life and a job and business school's not the only thing I have to concentrate on I'm behind and I'll probably fail and then that little eighteen year old annoying gnat who sits behind me will get another A and make that I'm smart your dumb face to me for the rest of the week and I'll be very upset and will possibly cry" Lorelai rants.

"The music's too loud" Rory guesses that that's where she's going with this.

"Yes" Lorelai confirms. "Got it" Victoria nods.

"Thank you" Lorelai says going back to the kitchen as Victoria turns down the music. "So anyhow I was wondering if you could talk to Dean  about maybe talking to Todd about me" Lane asks Rory. "I guess" Rory says.

"And then maybe you could ask Dean to ask him out" Lane says.

"For me" she adds. "Good, cause I don't think Dean would want to go out with Todd. Might screw up their friendship" Victoria jokes.

"And then I was thinking that this date could maybe happen this weekend" Lane tells them. "Sunday preferably" she adds. "Well-" Rory starts.

"After church" Lane interrupts.

"Lane-" Rory starts only to be interrupted again. "But don't mention church" Lane continues.

"Okay, hold on a sec-" Rory tries talking again. "Unless he's into church" Lane interrupts her again. "Hey, uh now it's too quiet" Lorelai says coming in again.

"I'll turn it up" Victoria tells her.

"Thank you" Lorelai says as Victoria turns it back up. "Who the hell is that anyway?" Lorelai asks.

"Claudine Longet" Rory tells her. "The chick who shot the skier?" Lorelai asks. "Uh, sure. Why not" Victoria says not knowing how to respond.

"Wow, renaissance woman" Lorelai says going back to the kitchen.

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